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Reports from Mar 25 2018 - Mar 25 2018
All Reports
(19 Total)

Godsend for Chronic Pain Sufferer Twiggy Kratom 2018 Mar 25
The Heart and Crown Chakras fightwolf DMT 2018 Mar 25
Harsh on the Lungs and Throat chris Nutmeg 2018 Mar 25
Not Worth It. Megafluff Nutmeg 2018 Mar 25
The Hangover legalizeit808 Nutmeg 2018 Mar 25
Hit or Miss and Alot of Prep slongo Nutmeg 2018 Mar 25
Hit and Miss hereandthere Kratom & Alcohol 2018 Mar 25
Psychedelic or Not? fuzz Ketamine 2018 Mar 25
I Decided to Try It Richard U Kratom 2018 Mar 25
Hungover All Day Keir Nutmeg 2018 Mar 25
Missed My Peak, but Good Clabian17 Nutmeg & Methylphenidate 2018 Mar 25
Mellow Combo B Tramadol & Clonazepam 2018 Mar 25
What. the .Fuck blah Alprazolam & Alcohol - Hard 2018 Mar 25
Very Tranquil Xenia Periwinkle 2018 Mar 25
Lost My Best Friend Darwin Amphetamines 2018 Mar 25
I Will Never Put This Up My Nose Again snortinhard Tramadol 2018 Mar 25
Nowhere but Here Lady k Ketamine & Cannabis 2018 Mar 25
Panda Bear and Ego Death mundane LSD, MDMA, Ketamine & Cannabis 2018 Mar 25
Other Realm sallie Ketamine 2018 Mar 25

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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