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Reports from Jan 9 2018 - Jan 9 2018
All Reports
(18 Total)

Recommended Never Again AyahuasQuero7 Huasca Brew - D. cabrerana & B. caapi 2018 Jan 09
Finding The Fear TraumaticSurrealism 2C-I 2018 Jan 09
LSD And A 12 Year Old's World View Obleo's Friend LSD 2018 Jan 09
Natural Tolerance Joshua Manic Quetiapine 2018 Jan 09
Seeing Buddha On The Beach Ric 2C-B 2018 Jan 09
Seeing The Patterns Of Life House Music Alcohol & Cannabis 2018 Jan 09
Dissapointing Until It Wasn't At All Dissapointing The Recreationalist Codeine 2018 Jan 09
Other People's Thoughts Sibelius 2C-B 2018 Jan 09
Disco Bunnies At A Rock Camp Sanigurosu 2C-B 2018 Jan 09
I Never Knew I Could Love Addiction DwarfOpey Oxycodone, Hydrocodone & Tramadol 2018 Jan 09
I Might Have Overdone It Never again Leonotis leonurus 2018 Jan 09
Looking Death in the Face psycho junkie Huasca Combo (M. tenuiflora, Syrian Rue & B. caapi) 2018 Jan 09
Very Soothing - Easy Preparation ~~~~~~~~ Chamomile 2018 Jan 09
Head Felt Like A Balloon As I Laughed webefulish Nitrous Oxide 2018 Jan 09
Twing Twanged tantrick GHB & LSD 2018 Jan 09
Metaphorically Melting Flesh lol LSD 2018 Jan 09
The Night The World Came Lag LSD 2018 Jan 09
Sensing Energy, Using The Force festi LSD 2018 Jan 09

NOTE: There are 6 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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