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Reports from Jun 18 2020 - Jun 18 2020
All Reports
(15 Total)

Effects Are Real, Dependant on Quality grower Sceletium tortuosum 2020 Jun 18
Trapped in a World of Constant Repetitions Rose Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2020 Jun 18
Visionary Potential Liberta Tagetes lucida 2020 Jun 18
Tranquil and in Tune Theravada Smile Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis 2020 Jun 18
High Off My Natural Supply Nick Meditation / Liminal Dreaming 2020 Jun 18
My Anabolic Frolic lysergamind Testosterone Propionate & Estradiol 2020 Jun 18
Light and Beautiful gungfucuddler Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2020 Jun 18
A Gentle Feeling Cory Sophora secundiflora 2020 Jun 18
Very Pleased root vandal Galangal 2020 Jun 18
Losing the Sense of Time life.123 Diazepam & Meditation 2020 Jun 18
A Feast Fit for the Gods Me Mushrooms, Sceletium tortuosum, Tobacco & Cannabis 2020 Jun 18
A Taste of Owl Medicine Intronaut Cannabis 2020 Jun 18
Well Wow or What JasonX bk-MBDB 2020 Jun 18
Pleasant Relaxing Euphoric Sedation LoverOfLive Sceletium tortuosum, Caffeine & Cannabis 2020 Jun 18
A State of Zen Romeo Sceletium tortuosum 2020 Jun 18

NOTE: There are 3 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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