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Reports from Jan 13 2018 - Jan 13 2018
All Reports
(14 Total)

Endless Stream of Parallel Consciousnesses McLovin Cannabis (dabs) 2018 Jan 13
A New Insight Jpsyc LSD 2018 Jan 13
Murderous Compulsions jackinthebox Fluoxetine 2018 Jan 13
Leaves As Smiling Faces allmans Mushrooms 2018 Jan 13
Sensing My Mother From Beyond miss_eleven Mushrooms 2018 Jan 13
A Strange Psycidelic Tease No 2 the AH Mushrooms 2018 Jan 13
Kinda Dazed, And A Little Confused ffejpsycho Mushrooms 2018 Jan 13
Good for Anxiety, Sleep & Tobacco Cessation a9ymous Erythrina mulungu 2018 Jan 13
Love In My Veins - No More Anger dudeman10 LSD 2018 Jan 13
Scared By The Mirror And My Best Friend 420killa Mushrooms 2018 Jan 13
Blurry, Shaky, Stretched & Distrorted Austen Mushrooms & Zolpidem 2018 Jan 13
Lasting Changes To My Vision Undecided Mushrooms 2018 Jan 13
May Be The Recipe For Out Of Body Dreams Dermilk Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2018 Jan 13
Cubensis In The Head - Chemical's Everywhere Else fetus54 2C-I & Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2018 Jan 13

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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