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Reports from Feb 14 2018 - Feb 14 2018
All Reports
(17 Total)

The Chill Candy Random Output Cannabidiol 2018 Feb 14
Meat Chairs Oatmeal and Bug Person JaySea 4-AcO-DMT 2018 Feb 14
Mild Effects, but Spiritually Energizing verbose kitchen Sceletium tortuosum (5x extract) & Cannabis 2018 Feb 14
A Mild Dose, but a Profound Effect Withabuzzinourears Morning Glory 2018 Feb 14
Accidental Contact Dose: Mild but Disturbing Rick O'Shea Belladonna 2018 Feb 14
Merging Into the World Nautical Salvia divinorum (20E Extract) 2018 Feb 14
Smooth Studying Voodoo_Child Propylhexedrine 2018 Feb 14
Circus Tent Alexandra Salvia divinorum (20X Extract) 2018 Feb 14
Makes Porn Feel Real povonly Salvia divinorum 2018 Feb 14
Incorporation Into a Separate Wall Dimension InexperiencedTripper Salvia divinorum (10X Extract) 2018 Feb 14
It Left Me Wanting More Matthew Salvia divinorum (10X Extract) 2018 Feb 14
What Just Happened? Mindblast Salvia divinorum (5X Extract) 2018 Feb 14
Drunk on Pills Soulja Clonazepam 2018 Feb 14
Gone to Hell and Back Chadderbong Methylphenidate 2018 Feb 14
Speed Demon!!! Blm22 Caffeine 2018 Feb 14
Superconductor mikimous caffeine 2018 Feb 14
Slowmo Nightclub Alucardo Temazepam 2018 Feb 14

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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