Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists (also CRAs) Reports - Medical Use
Medical Use
(16 Total)

Recommended Smoked Surprise Judgecrater JWH-200 2013 Nov 14
Recommended Next Generation Cannabinoid with Isotretinoin WayneGMZ JWH-018 2012 Oct 31
Incredible Appetite Stimulant Shibafu Dronabinol 2020 Sep 05
The Chill Candy Random Output Cannabidiol 2018 Feb 14
Vast Improvement in Quality of Life pain girl Dronabinol 2019 May 07
You Have to Experiment the Right Way swimmerman89 Dronabinol 2012 Dec 25
Solves My Medical Problems Jon H JWH-018 2011 Feb 26
I Will Smoke It Until The Man Makes it Illegal Ottomatic Spice Product ('Gold') 2008 Dec 15
Helped Me Come Out of a 12 Year Depression freelifeforall Dronabinol 2022 Feb 01
The Miracle Drug GingMan33 Nabilone & Methadone 2021 Mar 04
Menstrual Cramp Relief moonmagick93 JWH-018 2018 Aug 07
Nature's (Legal) Cannabinoids Julie F. Dronabinol & Cannabis 2017 Aug 31
Anxiety Melts Away Brandasaur Nabilone (Cesamet) 2012 Mar 30
Too Much of a Good Thing Om Dronabinol (Marinol) 2011 Feb 26
Mellow High Kimmikins Dronabinol 2019 May 09
More Effective Alternative for Nausea Skypuppy Dronabinol 2017 Dec 01

NOTE: There are 3 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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