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Reports from Aug 2 2018 - Aug 2 2018
All Reports
(17 Total)

I Need to Be Under the Blanket Archon Amanitas - A. muscaria 2018 Aug 02
Unmistakably There, but It Isn't Distracting Dr_Krieger Morphine 2018 Aug 02
But No Wonderland Alice Amanitas - A. muscaria 2018 Aug 02
Crystallizing People and Spiral Staircase Capella M. Amanitas - A. muscaria & H.B. Woodrose 2018 Aug 02
The Thumbprint Didgital AL-LAD 2018 Aug 02
Extremely Angry at Myself for Eating 5 Grams Hookah Phil Mushrooms 2018 Aug 02
Haunting Drug Justin Morphine 2018 Aug 02
Use a Sitter! teleomorph Amanitas - A. muscaria 2018 Aug 02
I'd Rather Drink a Bottle of Bacardi Dark 4TFY Amanitas - A. muscaria 2018 Aug 02
More Then I Need Drew Amanitas - A. muscaria 2018 Aug 02
Possibly Prepared Wrong Thuraya Amanitas - A. muscaria 2018 Aug 02
Rather Unpleasant Anna Salvia divinorum & Amanitas - A. muscaria 2018 Aug 02
First Time in the Chaotic Loop DiSsA-sociation Amanitas - A. muscaria 2018 Aug 02
Muscle Numbness Bryan Morphine 2018 Aug 02
Blissful Relaxation Matt K Morphine 2018 Aug 02
The Costant Vomiting Was Horrible Durfballs Oxymorphone 2018 Aug 02
How to Make The Tea Palatable Roseburg Calea zacatechichi & Dreaming 2018 Aug 02

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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