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Reports from Jun 25 2018 - Jun 25 2018
All Reports
(16 Total)

Recommended Into the Woods alex 4-AcO-DMT 2018 Jun 25
The First, and the Last GReaper Alcohol - Hard 2018 Jun 25
I Was Not in a Body NorCon Amanitas - A. pantherina, Passion Flower & Cannabis 2018 Jun 25
Thinking About the Other Half of the Circle Mash DMT 2018 Jun 25
Mildly Pleasant BlueJediSaberToof Catnip 2018 Jun 25
When Lacking Senses Increases Senses alleragnacs Alcohol, Cannabis & Salvia divinorum 2018 Jun 25
Relaxed Sensation Alexander Catnip 2018 Jun 25
Little or No Intoxication, Relaxation, Body High, or Buzz rEzEn Methocarbamol 2018 Jun 25
Life Changing With a Book Pope Lucifer Catnip 2018 Jun 25
Worth a Try for Me DruggieWithClass Catnip 2018 Jun 25
Relation to Dreams coloradan DMT 2018 Jun 25
Low Grade Buzz I <3 420 Catnip 2018 Jun 25
Weak PillPoppinAnimal Methocarbamol & Alprazolam 2018 Jun 25
I Feel Cheated... CorvetteZ0606 Catnip 2018 Jun 25
I Felt Nice and Relaxed catnip Catnip 2018 Jun 25
Mild Pain Reliever? Nathan Arov Catnip 2018 Jun 25

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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