Amanitas (also A. muscaria; A. pantherina) Reports - Difficult Experiences
Difficult Experiences
(55 Total)

Recommended Death the Void Brain Malfunction jarjar Amanitas - A. muscaria 2020 Feb 05
Recommended A Battle for Earth's Existence sleepwalker Amanita muscaria & Belladonna 2013 Oct 22
Recommended The Gold Realm and White Room of Crucifixion Space Elf Amanita muscaria 2012 Dec 25
Recommended La Vision De l'Eternite Alligator_427 Amanitas - A. muscaria 2008 Apr 21
Recommended Manhattan Keep on Makin' it, Brooklyn Keep on Takin' it Entheos Amanita muscaria 2007 Jan 10
Recommended Sensory Illusion Destroyed The Craic Mushrooms - P. semilanceata, Amanita muscaria, Belladonna & Brugmansia 2006 Jan 01
Recommended A Man Eat A... Must Scare Ya dead man walking Amanita muscaria 2004 Dec 22
Recommended A Difficult Night Why Red Amanita muscaria 2003 Jan 12
Trapped in My Personal Hell AgentGull Amanitas - A. muscaria 2024 Sep 20
Loopy Mind-Hell Zanzibar Amanitas - A. muscaria 2020 May 01
4-Hour Profuse Sweat Dissociation Autopilot DMT Tom Amanitas - A. muscaria 2019 Jul 30
A Horrific Meeting with Myself Embeca H. Amanita muscaria 2017 Nov 02
Heaven or Hell Mostly Overwhelming Pithtaker Amanita muscaria 2015 Dec 09
First I Met God, Then I Was God Synthesis Amanita muscaria 2011 Apr 05
Like Fear and Loathing in my Basement Big n Bandy Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) & Amanita muscaria 2009 Mar 06
No Ally of Mine Opiate Amanita muscaria 2008 Nov 09
Universal Conclusions Booth Amanita muscaria 2008 Feb 27
Death and Rebirth Opaleg H. B. Woodrose & Amanita muscaria 2007 May 23
Forgot How To Sleep Zenergy Amanita muscaria 2007 Jan 10
I Would Rather Live Ryan Amanita muscaria (var. formosa) 2007 Jan 08
Too Much toomanymushrooms Amanita muscaria 2003 Nov 14
Pure Horror ACMDrugs Amanita muscaria 2002 Nov 12
Terrifying Loss of Awareness Devin Amanita muscaria 2002 May 22
I Feel Reborn TeKtonik Amanitas pantherina & Cannabis 2023 Jan 12
Terror Itself Alex Amanitas - A. muscaria, LSD & Salvia divinorum (extract) 2021 Dec 10
I Knew I Had Fucked Up on Dosage John Knight Amanitas - A. muscaria & Cannabis 2020 Sep 29
Never Been More Scared, Ever aj Amanitas - A. muscaria 2020 Jun 02
So I Decided to Go for Some More... nobody Amanita muscaria 2019 Dec 15
Felt Like I Had Lost All Intelligence Geo Amanita muscaria 2018 Aug 07
I Was Completely Delirious J$ Amanita pantherina 2018 May 29
The Somatic Flu Shaman Amanita muscaria 2017 Nov 03
Sweating and Freaked Out madskillz4evr Psychoactive Amanita spp. 2010 Mar 01
I Wouldn't Do That Again Derek Amanita muscaria & MDMA (Ecstasy) 2008 Sep 07
My First Difficult Experience Shamsu Amanita muscaria, Salvia divinorum & Cannabis 2007 Dec 06
Body High with Tracers and CEV's Chris Amanita muscaria & Syrian Rue 2005 Aug 26
Mind and Stomach-bending kscoby Psychoactive Amanita spp. 2005 Jan 18
Night Like No Other (Monsters) norman Amanita muscaria, Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Calea zacatechichi 2003 Oct 20
Disallusioned Disorientation Sabrielle Amanita muscaria 2003 Feb 16
Returning Home Don Alex Amanita muscaria 2002 Aug 26
Stick to the Low Dosage Dharma Bum Amanita muscaria 2002 Feb 21
Puking, Blackouts, & Pain R. Johnson Amanita muscaria 2001 Oct 07
Explicit Description of an Amanita Overdose vomitron Amanita muscaria 2001 Aug 10
Sweating, Sweating, Sweating freezing too Amanita muscaria 2000 Dec 24
Lost Inside of the Mushroom awreiche Amanitas - A. muscaria, LSD & Alcohol 2021 Dec 10
I'm Not Even Doing This DreadHead Amanita muscaria, Alcohol & Cannabis 2020 Jun 23
Definitely Not Worth It Objectivist Amanitas - A. muscaria, Cannabis, Escitalopram & Clonazepam 2018 Aug 06
Ailing Stomach...Numb... M0T0RH3D Amanitas - A. muscaria 2018 Aug 03
I Felt Like I Was Going to Die naive Amanitas - A. muscaria 2018 Jul 31
Never Leave Trippers by Themselves mexifuck Amanita muscaria 2018 Jun 20
Time Loop Brewtality Amanitas - A. muscaria 2021 Oct 14
Really Underestimated the Dosage joe dirt Amanitas - A. muscaria 2019 May 07
Bad Bad Brain Chief Joseph H.B. Woodrose, Amanitas, Cannabis & Tobacco - Cigarettes 2018 Aug 07
Beyond Comprehension Michael_Hoef Amanita muscaria 2018 May 31
Not Much Fun galavander Amanita muscaria & Syrian Rue 2018 May 07
Be Careful with These zackmann Amanita muscaria var. formosa 2001 Mar 16

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TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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