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Reports from Sep 6 2018 - Sep 6 2018
All Reports
(19 Total)

We're All Winners Natorade 4-Aco-DMT 2018 Sep 06
The Wheel of Death Kevin Salvia divinorum (extract) 2018 Sep 06
A Lonely and Late Night SACpeace Mushrooms 2018 Sep 06
The Euphoric Essence of Communication Bstape Mushrooms 2018 Sep 06
User Beware, Potential Long Onset Times pfxtc MDA 2018 Sep 06
No More Blues Killuahxh Oxycodone 2018 Sep 06
Snow Day DrumsandDrugs Hydrocodone & Clonazepam 2018 Sep 06
Gettin Nipped Mekfearsom Catnip 2018 Sep 06
Spit It Out or Swallow It peace maker P. cubensis & Betel Nut 2018 Sep 06
Nice Mild High Rick Gabapentin 2018 Sep 06
Laced? A. Squid Cannabis 2018 Sep 06
Somewhere Between Stoned and Slightly Drunk Bagua Kava 2018 Sep 06
A Profound Orgasm SpaceAndy Yohimbe 2018 Sep 06
Warm, Buttery, and Passionate afroman Passion Flower 2018 Sep 06
Mild and Short-Lived Narcoticrelaxing High Zeejet Damiana 2018 Sep 06
Seems to Work for Some JMN SAMe 2018 Sep 06
Getting Back to It After a Bad Experience ryan LSD 2018 Sep 06
The Day I Thought I Died JerryJ LSD 2018 Sep 06
Hallucinations and Fainting Shershah Paroxetine 2018 Sep 06

NOTE: There are 2 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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