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Reports from May 9 2018 - May 9 2018
All Reports
(20 Total)

Almost 5 Months of Research Cowboy Buddha Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) 2018 May 09
Spiritual Awakening Don Sombra Mushrooms - P. mexicana 2018 May 09
Consumed as Part of Ceremonial Rites Musu Mandrake 2018 May 09
I Don't Think It Was a Dream... Sleepwalker Calea zacatechichi 2018 May 09
One of My Favorites godlikebeing 25C-NBOMe 2018 May 09
The Smell of Motor Oil moron Inhalants (Starter Fluid) 2018 May 09
Euphoria to Utter Loss of Control Jerry Mushrooms 2018 May 09
Strong Feelings of Euphoria and Empathy Foogie Howitzer M.D. 5-MAPB 2018 May 09
Week-Long Respite From My Cluster Headaches Madame Mushroom LSD & SSRI 2018 May 09
All My Problems Just Vanish Cosmopolitan Blue Lotus 2018 May 09
Fresh Is Totally Different knuckledragger70 Kava 2018 May 09
Miserable Wasted Night Wilkop Diphenhydramine 2018 May 09
Mild Effect Gravyman Sage 2018 May 09
Never Fails! entho-poet Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2018 May 09
Amazing, Yet Scary Millenkyle Mushrooms 2018 May 09
Man-Animals 'Daver' Mushrooms 2018 May 09
Questioning Reality Katherine Mushrooms 2018 May 09
Natural Resistance? DwarfCubensis Mushrooms 2018 May 09
Intertwined Minds Bobby Mixwheel Mushrooms 2018 May 09
4 Bowls Later Big Huska Mushrooms 2018 May 09

NOTE: There are 5 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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