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Reports from Apr 11 2018 - Apr 11 2018
All Reports
(28 Total)

Tonal Shift in My Perception keepinitweird 2C-B 2018 Apr 11
A Turning Point in My Life makesthegrassgreen Mushrooms & Various 2018 Apr 11
How to Have a Perfect K-Hole Trig Ketamine 2018 Apr 11
Long Hard Road Monk LSD 2018 Apr 11
Calvin Klein: Speedy Rush and a Long Downer SiraAngUloNawta Cocaine & Ketamine 2018 Apr 11
Helps Acute Anxiety - With a Pleasant Taste Amplexus Catnip & California Poppy 2018 Apr 11
Intense Euphoria and Happiness Frankie Kratom 2018 Apr 11
Just Eat It wayno Kratom 2018 Apr 11
I Feel Like I Fell Out of a Portal Ajax 25I-NBOMe 2018 Apr 11
The Trip That Wouldnt End Hunter_S._Thompson LSD 2018 Apr 11
Profound Optimism Ginger Kratom & Alcohol (Ethanol) 2018 Apr 11
My Favorite Way to Do It Quentro Kratom 2018 Apr 11
No Biggy ISOD Kratom 2018 Apr 11
The Benefits kratom420 Kratom 2018 Apr 11
Dizziness, Nausea and General Weakness Michael T. Mad Honey 2018 Apr 11
I Suddenly Died, Lost All Senses, but One... MrGoodyGoody2Shoes Ketamine 2018 Apr 11
Not a Waste of Time... at All ElektroFreak 5-Methoxymethylone 2018 Apr 11
Kratomic Energy Convention Dr. Crunch Kratom (20X Extract) 2018 Apr 11
Simply Amazing ryan Kratom 2018 Apr 11
Mild Experience With Extract todd Kratom 2018 Apr 11
Sally and Deemsters Oh Boy kp DMT & Salvia divinorum (extract) 2018 Apr 11
Mis-Adventures Phour Twenty LSD & Ketamine 2018 Apr 11
Nicely Mellowed mrcupsman Kratom (15X Extract) 2018 Apr 11
Very Satisfied as of Right Now God-Cell Kratom 2018 Apr 11
Don't Remember Much, Almost Like a Dream iseefuckingstars Cannabis 2018 Apr 11
I Followed the Recipe Very Closely mgf DMT (from M. tenuiflora) 2018 Apr 11
Didn't Break Through Chrissy DMT, LSD, Trazodone & Quetiapine 2018 Apr 11
First and Last Use Ben S Kratom (15x extract) 2018 Apr 11

NOTE: There are 5 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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