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Reports from Aug 24 2018 - Aug 24 2018
All Reports
(20 Total)

I Was Exponentially Overstimulated nobody 2C-E 2018 Aug 24
Good for Availability PinKCloud Propylhexedrine 2018 Aug 24
Top Class xmurderxmafiax Oxymorphone 2018 Aug 24
They Are Beautiful Things That Exist Black6 Mushrooms 2018 Aug 24
Everything Pulsed weathered LSD & MDA 2018 Aug 24
Walking Through a Dream lemon MDMA & MDA 2018 Aug 24
Delusions of Heart Attack and Hospitalization Gusvz LSD, Alprazolam & Diazepam 2018 Aug 24
Driftin In southern style Naloxone 2018 Aug 24
Missing Hours of My Life Ana Eszopiclone & Hydrocodone 2018 Aug 24
Has Been a Great Help Thomas Quetiapine 2018 Aug 24
A Nice Morning.... Heart of Iron Oxycodone 2018 Aug 24
5 Seeds. Or Was It 10? FletcherHaven H.B. Woodrose & Syrian Rue 2018 Aug 24
What Happened ? TB_303 Clonazepam 2018 Aug 24
Rave Pollenation love_rabb1t MDA 2018 Aug 24
Slowly but Surely KidWithTheJaw MDA 2018 Aug 24
Fell Asleep Easily at the 4-Hour Mark Kaiser B. Alcohol & Amphetamines (Adderall) 2018 Aug 24
I Haven’t Used Anything Else Since and Probably Never Will White_Boy_Ro Oxymorphone 2018 Aug 24
It Took Every Bit of Pain Away Joe Smith Hydromorphone 2018 Aug 24
My Hands and Feet Felt Like Bananas Billy_nut_nut Salvia divinorum (60X Extract) 2018 Aug 24
The Dose That I Have Always Taken Before Essere Mushrooms & Escitalopram 2018 Aug 24

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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