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Reports from Jan 29 2018 - Jan 29 2018
All Reports
(24 Total)

The Track on Which I Moved tyedyebandana MDMA 2018 Jan 29
Reality Panic Nick Salvia divinorum (30X Extract) 2018 Jan 29
A High Five With God. the fear LSD 2018 Jan 29
Conventional Experience Starshine Lorazepam (Ativan) 2018 Jan 29
Mixed Opinions The Good Kid Crack 2018 Jan 29
Cracked Out Nymphomania sexbomb Crack & Alcohol (Beer) 2018 Jan 29
Jump Off kinkar 4-ACO-DMT & Gabapentin 2018 Jan 29
Two Faced, Relaxed and Enraged Dj Chill Bromazepam 2018 Jan 29
Primal Dancing fatcat Cacti - Trichocereus SS01 x Juul's Giant 2018 Jan 29
Getting My Work Done A. Hard Worker Modafinil 2018 Jan 29
Walking Into Paradise CAM LSD & MDA 2018 Jan 29
16 Hour Nap Esteban Alprazolam & Alcohol (Beer) 2018 Jan 29
Makes Me Itch Tyler DXM 2018 Jan 29
8 Hours of Hell!! T-Bear DXM 2018 Jan 29
Completely Disoriented Roy Nitrous Oxide 2018 Jan 29
Around and Around and Around Insidedown Nitrous Oxide 2018 Jan 29
Best Thing I Bought in Years Sleepy swim Modafinil 2018 Jan 29
Surprisingly Generic fnord 2C-B & Mushrooms 2018 Jan 29
From Holland With love... JMC MDMA 2018 Jan 29
Snowball at the Millenium Number 6 MDA 2018 Jan 29
Life Changing Experience Ecstacy MDMA 2018 Jan 29
Amazing Time Slip HIVpozbear Pregabalin 2018 Jan 29
Very Interesting Road Signs Gregoire Nutmeg & Alcohol (Beer) 2018 Jan 29
It Is Legal Because It Sucks - What a Let Down White Rabbit Salvia divinorum (25X Extract) 2018 Jan 29

NOTE: There are 5 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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