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All reports with author name including 'P'
(6868 Total)

[3301 - 3400 of 6868]
Welcoming Sedation KompelZ Mirtazapine (Avanza) 2010 Jul 21
Not a Cure But Best Yet Flash In the Pan Mirtazapine (Remeron) 2010 Jul 21
Painting All Night Paint 2C-E & MDMA 2010 Jul 19
Virgin Experience Crispydream Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) 2010 Jul 13
Cardboard Mind Heart and Loins Cashcowscapegoat Risperidone (Risperdal) 2010 Jul 12
Feels Like Ecstasy Lupercus Venlafaxine (Effexor XR) 2010 Jul 12
Satanic Seed Spark an Owl Venlafaxine (Effexor EQ) 2010 Jul 12
Less Depressed, More Disturbed Puddletown Tom Venlafaxine (Effexor) 2010 Jul 12
More Confused, Less Visual SpiritualArmy Mushrooms, Venlafaxine (Effexor), Divalproex (Valproic Acid) & Cannabis 2010 Jul 12
Turned Up the Color Knob Tropein Aniracetam & Supplements 2010 Jul 10
Is This Smart Drug a Smart Buy? Psycogenesis Aniracetam 2010 Jul 10
A Pleasant Evening Perdido 5-MeO-DALT & Syrian Rue 2010 Jun 22
Luminosity Tia Serendipia Tabernanthe iboga (extract) 2010 May 27
Overview of the Last 8 Months Pofacedhoe 4-Methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone) 2010 May 19
First Encounter With the Psychedelic Kind Pyromedic 2C-E 2010 May 19
First Time - Very Impressed Bakininmephrica JWH-018 2010 May 18
An Night of Epiphany A Spiritual Pirate MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis 2010 May 17
A Fight with Sanity Psy-conaut DOC 2010 May 10
Difficult Emotions Hasphat 2C-I & JWH-018 2010 May 09
A Pink Neon Wookie PiPPUK DOM 2010 May 05
Aces Adventure Daytripper 4-Acetoxy-DiPT 2010 May 04
Risk and No Returns Pointless Meperidine with Promethazine 2010 May 01
Bipolar for 5 Hours not-spam bk-MBDB (Mitseez Party Pills) 2010 Apr 29
The Rainbow of Reality Hempel Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) 2010 Apr 28
Opium Dreams? Pinktinker DPT 2010 Apr 27
Panic Attacks Prince Escitalopram (Lexapro) & Cannabis 2010 Apr 21
Wow It's Amazing Truly Madly Deeply Modafinil (Provigil) 2010 Apr 19
Definately Not Placebo EuropeEndless Salvia officinalis 2010 Apr 19
First Trial, Not the Last Champ 2C-P 2010 Apr 01
My First Shockingly 'Bad Trip' TheHappiestGirl 2C-E 2010 Mar 29
Panic Attacks - Read the Label Kids! psych0naut MDPV 2010 Mar 26
Out of Touch Paul Carisoprodol (Soma) 2010 Mar 18
The Cosmic Rhythm DystopianDruid LSD & MDMA (Ecstasy) 2010 Mar 17
Regular Use Not who you'd expect Dimenhydrinate 2010 Mar 12
Day Mare Shupec Nitrous Oxide 2010 Mar 10
Good Alternative to IPECAC! Piznipy Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2010 Mar 09
Orgasmic. -Zephyron Crack 2010 Mar 05
It's All in My @#$%ing Head?! Psychedelic Magnate Coffee (decaf) 2010 Mar 05
Hard Natural Trip Particle16 HBW, Mushrooms, Nitrous Oxide, Salvia divinorum, Blue Lotus, Cannabis, Poppy & DMT 2010 Mar 02
Euphoric Relaxant Blend Psilocyber Wild Dagga, Damiana, Catnip & Alcohol 2010 Mar 01
I Had to Try Acid...Now I've Got HPPD HPPD SUCKS LSD 2010 Feb 28
I Become a Thousand People TrippinDeadFred JWH-018 & Amphetamines (Adderall) 2010 Feb 24
I am NOT a Mayan Warrior Triptamyne Heimia salicifolia (Sinicuichi) 2010 Feb 23
First and Second Time Around Phantom Cannabis 2010 Feb 23
A Day of Pure Drowziness Carpet Head Olanzapine (Zyprexa) 2010 Feb 21
King Hit Olanzapine Olanzapine (Zyprexa) & Lithium (Eskalith) 2010 Feb 21
Looks Like Snow! Porkstock 2C-E 2010 Feb 01
Up Your Dose! Moses Spice 2C-I & Toad Venom 2010 Jan 28
Thank God Almighty, Peace at Last Alexander Supretramp DMT 2010 Jan 27
Virgin Enlightenment Psyke 4-AcO-DMT 2010 Jan 24
The True Allergy Drug RMPSergeant Kratom 2010 Jan 23
Thiopheny PippUK 2C-T-7 & 4-AcO-DMT 2010 Jan 22
Relaxation, But No High Poppies Poppies - California 2010 Jan 21
Brain-Melting Power Psilocybe Bupropion (Wellbutrin), Venlafaxine (Effexor), Duloxetine (Cymbalta) & Paroxetine (Paxil) 2010 Jan 18
My Safety Cushion Didn't Work Sleepy 2C-E & Diazepam (Valium) 2010 Jan 17
Nice Yin and Yang Combination Bneathanaprlmoon Yohimbe & Kava 2010 Jan 10
Tachycardia and Insomnia Fort-Spec Kava 2010 Jan 10
Recreationally and as a Tool PharmPhan Kava & Tramadol 2010 Jan 10
Tingly Vibrations Qualityplant Heroin 2010 Jan 06
Childlike Beauty Japhy Mushrooms & Cannabis 2010 Jan 04
How MDMA Influenced My Sex Life Spliffsnatcher MDMA (Ecstasy), Alcohol & Cannabis 2009 Dec 31
What Made Me Quit Supplanter Newcomer Cannabis 2009 Dec 26
It Crushed My Humanity Deaf Whisper Cannabis 2009 Dec 26
First Glimpse of Paradise DiscipulusMentis Voacanga africana & Cannabis 2009 Dec 15
Near Birth, Near Death Snipe DXM with CPM, Nitrous Oxide, Saliva divinorum (leaves) & Cannabis 2009 Dec 05
Oblivion HippiexChild DXM with CPM & Alcohol 2009 Dec 03
A Psychedelic Toy Aeon Psyche 4-MeO-MiPT 2009 Nov 27
Nice Easy Sleep for Two Days, Then Stopped Wmp1111 Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) 2009 Nov 11
Canceled the Intoxication, But Not the Trip Lt spore Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) 2009 Nov 11
One Bump Over the Line Twistedhippie Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin) 2009 Nov 07
There & Back Teleportational Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora), Mushrooms - P. semilanceata & Anadenanthera spp. 2009 Nov 04
Nearly Damn Killed Me Pulsedemon Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 2009 Nov 01
Calm, Relaxed and Great Plumface Damiana 2009 Oct 28
Harsh Smoke! Explorer Damania 2009 Oct 28
Cure for Bad Trips? Spiritual quester Mushrooms & Valerian 2009 Oct 28
Underrated Experimentalistic Valerian & Kava 2009 Oct 28
First time with LSD dilated_pupils LSD 2009 Oct 27
It's Over Aspiring non-addict Cocaine 2009 Oct 19
Mindful Inebriation Poet Blue Lotus & Alcohol 2009 Oct 17
Today and Forever More, I Am a Cat Spliffy Catnip & Tobacco 2009 Oct 14
Four Ways Palecricket1 Catnip 2009 Oct 14
For Severe Depression Alphawoman GBL 2009 Oct 11
State of Well Being PsiloNaught Promethazine (Phenergan) & Codeine 2009 Oct 10
Painful, Feel Like I Am Going to Die Bios ApexX Unknown (Product - 'Hypnotic') 2009 Oct 08
Performance Anxiety No More Trumpetplayer Propranolol (Inderal) 2009 Sep 24
Whew! Passed Passed Cocaine & Drug Testing 2009 Sep 24
Losing the Magic, Gaining the Afterglow Cardinal Flip MDMA (Ecstasy) 2009 Sep 22
A Decent Empathogen Phoenix bk-MBDB 2009 Sep 21
Another Life 2nd Millenium Hippy Salvia divinorum (leaves) 2009 Sep 18
Not For Everyone WhitePelican Piracetam 2009 Sep 17
Was About to Break Through Puff Coleus 2009 Sep 17
Bad Idea Pharmacist Naltrexon & Oxycodone (Oxycontin) 2009 Sep 14
New Process Pedro Poppies - Opium (P. somniferum) 2009 Sep 14
Not As Innocent As I Thought Pauline Tramadol 2009 Sep 14
The Simpsons Are in My Living Room PennyLane Salvia divinorum (30x extract) 2009 Sep 08
Nature's Legal Relaxant KeptItLegal Kava Kava 2009 Aug 27
Felt Very Interconnected Merryprankster_01 Sceletium tortuosum & Mescaline 2009 Aug 27
First Encounters Piffdos Gabapentin (Neurontin) 2009 Aug 26
Started Off Bad But Ended Great Defpo mCPP 2009 Aug 08
Dream Disorientation Paul Mugwort & Dreams 2009 Aug 06

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