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Reports from Nov 22 2017 - Nov 22 2017
All Reports
(17 Total)

Very Intense and Satisfying Mind Mariner Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2017 Nov 22
Live From Space Anonymous DMT 2017 Nov 22
Nature For The Mind Raymond LSD 2017 Nov 22
Back To The Magic Blackheart MDMA 2017 Nov 22
Complete Sensory Overload rakej AL-LAD & 1P-LSD 2017 Nov 22
Nothing Special RD 25H-NBOMe 2017 Nov 22
Now I Have A Mystery To Solve Ben_Steve-O DMT 2017 Nov 22
I Was One guitarsinger 5-MeO-DMT 2017 Nov 22
My Own Bubble of Appreciation LtCmdrGordon Mushrooms 2017 Nov 22
Natual Wonder Jason 11-Herb Smoking Mixture 2017 Nov 22
Best Runy Nose Ever Raven MDMA & Ketamine 2017 Nov 22
Getting a Helluva Lot More Stoned Phyllis Dingbat Mirtazapine 2017 Nov 22
Very Pleasant and Mellow Justaguy Tramadol 2017 Nov 22
Light Opiate Lighter Stimulant Getreal Kratom 2017 Nov 22
Disappointed Charles Picamilon 2017 Nov 22
Had Me All of Where I Wanted to Be Questor Hydrocodone & Hydroxyzine 2017 Nov 22
Sedation nobody Heimia salicifolia & Heimia myrtifolia 2017 Nov 22

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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