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Any reports with Mushrooms
(3254 Total)

[1 - 100 of 3254]
Very Highly Recommended Puzzling Out a Recipe and a Magic Experience Maggie1215 Ayahuasca (B. caapi & P. viridis), Magic Mushrooms, Amanita muscaria, & Syrian Rue 2012 Mar 06
Very Highly Recommended Juxtaposition of All Selves into Singularity FantomeCiel Mushrooms 2010 Mar 23
Very Highly Recommended The Moment VapourBoy Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2004 Sep 10
Very Highly Recommended Does Not Mix with Cliff-Climbing... Arthur B. Goodwill Mushrooms 2003 Dec 23
Very Highly Recommended Being Led to the Heart of the Question 91 Mushrooms 2003 Dec 05
Highly Recommended Refractions From the Prism of Self Freak of Nurture Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Golden Teacher) 2023 Jan 12
Highly Recommended Hitting a Wall in My Own Mind olli Mushrooms & Cigarettes 2022 Sep 30
Highly Recommended Dying Melting Into Earth Fear and Comfort Phantasmagoria Mushrooms 2020 Oct 10
Highly Recommended Unexpected Effects, Edible vs. Mushrooms Cynic Sal Cannabis (edible) & Mushrooms - P. cyanescens 2018 Dec 16
Highly Recommended Into the Kaleidoscope (or, The Marriage) gumshoe Mushrooms - P. cubensis ('Cambodian') 2018 Dec 08
Highly Recommended At the Edge of Infinity Paul van d' Mushrooms 2018 Nov 15
Highly Recommended Self/Collective Love Heroic Dose VDay Trip scratchedelder Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2018 Apr 13
Highly Recommended A Trip Spent Walking and Police Escorting seebueb Mushrooms - P cubensis 2017 Dec 10
Highly Recommended Depression Therapy Journal CSTolkien Mushrooms 2017 Sep 25
Highly Recommended Microdosing for Seasonal Depression katalyst Mushrooms 2017 May 18
Highly Recommended Myself Then Love Then God Ben Mushrooms - P. tampanensis 2016 Nov 08
Highly Recommended Gifts Made Out of the Space Between Psychedaniellia Mushrooms, B. caapi, & DMT 2014 May 07
Highly Recommended Museum of Spectacles Donovan DMT, Mushrooms & Alcohol 2013 Jun 08
Highly Recommended This is the Moment You Realize Craig Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2012 Nov 01
Highly Recommended Love, Light, and Mushrooms NaggyJ Mushrooms 2012 Oct 17
Highly Recommended The Infinite Light and the Beautiful Reality IamAaron'sRationale Mushrooms 2012 Aug 23
Highly Recommended Bigger than God white birch MDA & Magic Mushrooms 2011 Nov 26
Highly Recommended A Trip with Dante FromMississippi Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2011 Nov 26
Highly Recommended A 1914 Case of Mushroom Intoxication A. E. Verrill Mushrooms - P. subbalteatus or P. papilionaceus 2011 Nov 17
Highly Recommended What are Pants? Hypersphere Mushrooms (Magic Mushrooms) 2011 Oct 29
Highly Recommended The I of the Storm Keith Fonda Mushrooms & Cannabis 2011 Oct 15
Highly Recommended Jedi Mind Tricks Ben Kenobi LSD, Mushrooms, Cannabis & MDMA (Ecstasy) 2011 May 18
Highly Recommended Rendered Eternal I AM Mushrooms & Cannabis 2011 Jan 17
Highly Recommended The Enjoyable Lightness of Being DayTripper Mushrooms 2010 Jan 02
Highly Recommended Difficult Discovery of Enlightenment Guru Rimpoche Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis 2009 Aug 23
Highly Recommended Teonanacatl, the Teacher of Plants Aries Mushrooms & Cannabis 2009 Jul 03
Highly Recommended The Universe is a Fractal Howard Mushrooms 2009 Jun 04
Highly Recommended Vicocybin xEdize Hydrocodone with Acteminophen, Mushrooms & Cannabis 2009 May 13
Highly Recommended The Weekend At The Edge Of The Universe Sparticus Mushrooms - P. cubensis, LSD, 2C-B, MDMA (Ecstasy), DMT, Ketamine, Mescaline & Cannabis 2008 Jun 21
Highly Recommended Floating Through Space Marakhan Mushrooms & Cannabis 2007 Nov 26
Highly Recommended Piecing Together the Shattered Parts of My Ego Hypersphere Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora), & B. caapi & Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2007 Mar 17
Highly Recommended The Yin Yang - A Symbol of Life bickoma Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2007 Feb 26
Highly Recommended Super Dimensions and the Design of Life 5thShuriken Mushrooms & Cannabis 2007 Jan 30
Highly Recommended Not What I Was Expecting Chloglith Mushrooms & Cannabis 2007 Jan 22
Highly Recommended Hinduistic Divination Baker Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2007 Jan 22
Highly Recommended A Week in the Woods, a Night of ?&!... TheWoodsman Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2007 Jan 16
Highly Recommended Empathy and Insight Will Mushrooms & Cannabis 2007 Jan 05
Highly Recommended Psilohuasca Healing Hypersphere B. caapi & Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2007 Jan 04
Highly Recommended A 'Heroic' Tale: The Rice Cake Trip Anonym Trismegistus Mushrooms - P. cubensis (mycelium) 2006 Nov 28
Highly Recommended My Mind/Imagination Is All that Exists Duff Mushrooms - P. subaeruginosa & Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2006 Sep 14
Highly Recommended Jesus Synchronicity versus Matter Existopanomus Mushrooms 2006 May 09
Highly Recommended Love in the Eyes of the Reaper (Becoming One) WideEyed Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2005 Nov 27
Highly Recommended Nature Squared McIver Mushrooms 2005 Nov 16
Highly Recommended Enter the Lifeforce: Ascent to Enlightenment Xorkoth Mushrooms 2005 Oct 27
Highly Recommended First Trip in Chiapas Andrash Mushrooms 2005 Sep 30
Highly Recommended Dimensional Sight Seeing Mush Mouth Mushrooms & Cannabis 2005 Sep 28
Highly Recommended Any Dose can Be High Dose for Newbie Prophessor Plum Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2005 Aug 23
Highly Recommended A Loud Sucking Sound...Stuck in a Whirlpool Doctor Benway Mushrooms 2005 Jun 07
Highly Recommended Revelations, Cosmic Unity, Entity Contact... Peter Pumpkin Mushrooms - P. mexicana, Alcohol & Cannabis 2005 Jun 06
Highly Recommended Not What I Bargained For ignotus Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis 2005 Apr 22
Highly Recommended My Journey To Insanity SlipKnot420 Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2005 Mar 28
Highly Recommended Never a Bad Journey - Only the Truth Artcadia Mushrooms 2005 Feb 26
Highly Recommended Intense Fear and Euphoria Trippin Tom Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens 2005 Feb 22
Highly Recommended Psychedelic Initiation VapourBoy Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2005 Feb 15
Highly Recommended Color Choice Game Mel Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Meditation 2004 Dec 03
Highly Recommended The Horror, The Horror Jamshyd Mushrooms 2004 Dec 01
Highly Recommended There Are No Boundaries Eric Mushrooms 2004 Nov 19
Highly Recommended Preparation Martin H. P. cubensis, Cannabis & Tobacco 2004 Aug 25
Highly Recommended Walking With Mescalito jrock Cacti - T. pachanoi, Cannabis, Mushrooms - P. cubensis, & Mushrooms - Copelandia spp. 2004 Aug 17
Highly Recommended An Intense Lesson in Respect for Life Yosh Salvia divinorum (10x extracts) & Mushrooms (Mexican) 2004 Apr 23
Highly Recommended Am I Alive? Treefingers Mushrooms 2004 Jan 15
Highly Recommended Non-Smoking Elf Machines Will Cure Cancer Biff Wheatly Mushrooms 2004 Jan 07
Highly Recommended Hitting Bottom and Coming Back Up Pala Mushrooms (P. cubensis) 2003 Dec 30
Highly Recommended Panic and Amnesia evlove Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis 2003 Dec 03
Highly Recommended Escalante Dreaming Fielding Mellish Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2003 Nov 05
Highly Recommended Interpretations of Your Mind The Reverend Mushrooms & DMT 2003 Apr 29
Highly Recommended Death and Transfiguration f Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2003 Apr 18
Highly Recommended Imminent Death and Enlightenment Way Mushrooms - P. cubenesis 2003 Apr 07
Highly Recommended Psychohedron Hiab-x Mushrooms - P. semilanceata 2002 Aug 21
Highly Recommended Passionflower As an MAOI tripfiend Passion Flower & Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2002 Jan 14
Highly Recommended In the Arms of Psilocybin Miganis Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2002 Jan 04
Highly Recommended Enlightenment violator c Mushrooms 2002 Jan 04
Highly Recommended Shrooms in Bali Paradise Jamur Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2001 Dec 18
Highly Recommended We Grow Together Maya Cannabis, Mushrooms 2001 Nov 21
Highly Recommended An Encounter With Teonanacatl Navi Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2001 May 17
Highly Recommended Heroically Parading Maidens_Wattle Huasca Brew (B. caapi, Syrian Rue, P. viridis, M. tenuiflora), A. nervosa, & Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2001 Apr 19
Highly Recommended Singing Stories in the Void Navi Mushrooms 2000 Jun 24
Highly Recommended A True Hallucination Mantid Mushrooms - P. cyanescens 2000 Jun 24
Highly Recommended Entheogenic Solo Vision Quest Wind Mushrooms 2000 Jun 24
New Recommended Watching Someone Else Suffer Nienor Mushrooms 2024 Oct 20
Recommended An Intense Journey Luna Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Golden Teacher) 2024 Jan 19
Recommended Life Under Water JT DXM Polistirex, Mushrooms & Cannabis 2023 Dec 26
Recommended Not So Gentle Teachers ceganoodle Psilocybin Mushrooms 2023 Dec 02
Recommended Illusion of Intellect at the Border of Perspective J Mushrooms 2023 Nov 13
Recommended Good Re-Introduction to Expanding My Consciousness Ghostface Ocean Mushrooms 2023 Sep 29
Recommended Rejuvenated ludvikk Butalbital, Caffeine, Acetaminophen, Albuterol, Tea & Mushrooms 2023 May 30
Recommended Epiphany on a Couch Clancy Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens & Cannabis 2022 Nov 14
Recommended A Journey Into My Mind Killbot Mushrooms & Cannabis 2022 Nov 09
Recommended Choices Power Beauty Kiki C. Mushrooms & Cannabis 2022 Oct 24
Recommended Mental Reboot psilociner Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2022 Oct 01
Recommended Catharsis Garuda Mushrooms - P. cubensis & St. John's Wort 2022 Sep 28
Recommended 7 Grams of Pure Insanity Anonymous Mushrooms 2022 Aug 22
Recommended Cabin Fever Matt Mushrooms, Cannabis & Nitrous Oxide 2022 Aug 03
Recommended Uncomfortable Learning, I Loved It Parker Mushrooms - P. Atlantis (scleroti) & Cannabis 2022 May 01
Recommended Starry Night mundane Mushrooms, Alcohol & Cannabis 2022 Apr 30

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