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Reports from Jun 17 2020 - Jun 17 2020
All Reports
(20 Total)

Recommended No Fear Pure Freedom Goddess Mode Cannabis 2020 Jun 17
Nice Mood Boost, Enjoyable High godzillalikespie Sceletium tortuosum 2020 Jun 17
Reevaluation ejeitswd Morning Glory 2020 Jun 17
The Snowflake Trip Elle Mushrooms 2020 Jun 17
Almost as Fun as Being Poisoned...Almost Atlas Yohimbe 2020 Jun 17
Where Divine Joy Makes Worlds Collide Straycat Mushrooms - P. mexicana (sclerotia) 2020 Jun 17
Just Not for Me Anymore alex Cannabis (edible) 2020 Jun 17
Kill Yourself It Kept Saying Cabria LSD 2020 Jun 17
Building the World for Each Other Brightgreenapple LSD 2020 Jun 17
Definitely Something falstart Salvia apiana 2020 Jun 17
Better Focus Less Side-Effects whatever Yerba Mate 2020 Jun 17
Reincarnated Brittany Spice-Like Smoking Blend 2020 Jun 17
Serious Meditation for a Serious Price Tunguska Heimia salicifolia & Leonotis nepetaefolia 2020 Jun 17
Perfect World knapping Dreaming 2020 Jun 17
Too Much Pallardy Yerba Mate 2020 Jun 17
Helped Me to Realize the Possibilities bathed in LSD Mushrooms 2020 Jun 17
This May Very Well Have Been Placebo Rabbid George Periwinkle 2020 Jun 17
Four Hours of Hell raver 5-HTP, Sceletium tortuosum, Yohimbe & Vitamins 2020 Jun 17
Profound Sense of Wonder and Connection BobTheExplorer Cacti - T. pachanoi 2020 Jun 17
Homemade Dokha VoodooMaximum Tobacco 2020 Jun 17

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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