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Reports from Aug 22 2018 - Aug 22 2018
All Reports
(24 Total)

Emotionally Engulfed in Life SeeK DMT 2018 Aug 22
Crazy Rush Crazy Risk BraveVoyager Methamphetamine, GHB & 4-Methylmethcathinone 2018 Aug 22
Definitely Helps With the Taste of Other Substances Nightnine Miracle Berry, Morning Glory & Syrian Rue 2018 Aug 22
Healing My Inner Child azq Peyote 2018 Aug 22
Winter Unraveling Jack the Tripper LSD 2018 Aug 22
Bedroom Weirdness R._G._ 25I-NBOMe 2018 Aug 22
Just at the Threshold WJG Kratom 2018 Aug 22
Reasserted My Persistent Fascination Humanaut Cacti - T. pachanoi & T. bridgesii 2018 Aug 22
Bad Eye Pressure, but Otherwise Identical BLUE PYRAMIDS ALD-52 2018 Aug 22
Confused Tongue The Tastemaster Miracle Berry 2018 Aug 22
Oh Snap! OEV's! Joe Blow Salvia divinorum (7X Extract) 2018 Aug 22
No Pain No Worries Bliss TheKratomKid Kratom 2018 Aug 22
Productive Meditation Space Brother C Cocaine 2018 Aug 22
Everything and Nothing JadedKitten 2C-E 2018 Aug 22
Relaxing Hyper VTY Kratom 2018 Aug 22
Very Nice Medicine Ope_Head Kratom 2018 Aug 22
The Taste Experience of a Lifetime Miracleberries Miracle Berry 2018 Aug 22
I Enjoyed the Pickle bigmac Miracle Berry 2018 Aug 22
Slipping Away Into Color and Lights PinkOfFloyds MIPT, Hydrocodone & Various 2018 Aug 22
In a Kind of Sleep Walking Action Geloman MDMA & Heroin 2018 Aug 22
Agape Unconditional Love Hollabun Cannabis & MDMA 2018 Aug 22
Outer Realms of Bizarre kratomguy Kratom, Ketamine & Cannabis 2018 Aug 22
A No Hassle Way to Enjoy a Day HolpDarken Kratom 2018 Aug 22
Sublime Feeling of Inner Peace AwokenLight Kratom (15X Extract) 2018 Aug 22

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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