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Reports from Apr 16 2018 - Apr 16 2018
All Reports
(26 Total)

Close your Eyes and Open your Mind Sharkattack DMT on Cannabis 2018 Apr 16
Relaxed, Hungry for Sleep and Forgetful srah Etizolam 2018 Apr 16
Really Far Out Cheryl Procyclidine 2018 Apr 16
Light Darkness and Betrayal coldlight 4-AcO-DMT 2018 Apr 16
I Should Have Been Careful With What I Looked for... tweeker jones Crack 2018 Apr 16
I Cannot Do a Little Cobalt808 Crack 2018 Apr 16
It Made Me Feel Very Godly NDOG Crack 2018 Apr 16
'Never Again' I Thought Jeffry Taylor Crack 2018 Apr 16
I Didn't Know What Was in the Joint didsomethingdumb Crack 2018 Apr 16
Bliss dude Kratom 2018 Apr 16
Divinity Eternity - for Me at Least Starbucks Ketamine & LSD 2018 Apr 16
When We Smoked It, It Sizzled Like a Resin poppy Ketamine & Cannabis 2018 Apr 16
Wilfully Blind pinky Cocaine 2018 Apr 16
No Fun at All... four20 Crack 2018 Apr 16
Danger to Myself Accident-Prone Crack 2018 Apr 16
My Teeth Feel Sore and My Gums Feel Blistered Depressed Crack 2018 Apr 16
Only Takes One Hit Elizabeth Crack 2018 Apr 16
Both My Parents Were Addicted Crack Crack 2018 Apr 16
Better Alone JD Crack 2018 Apr 16
I Am on My 4th Day Clean Matthew Crack 2018 Apr 16
Full Body Orgasm SSCS Crack 2018 Apr 16
Be Aware. Not Beware... problemaftermath Ketamine 2018 Apr 16
I Was Fucked Up to Shit Dave Crack & Cannabis 2018 Apr 16
Hoping and Praying It Will All Go Away english Crack 2018 Apr 16
Im Still Alive ? Xdubtribe Crack 2018 Apr 16
Felt Like Dying nub Crack 2018 Apr 16

NOTE: There are 7 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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