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Reports from Feb 17 2018 - Feb 17 2018
All Reports
(26 Total)

Blasted Into My Own Brain Fluffun Ketamine 2018 Feb 17
Universe Collapsed - Alone. Welcome to Hell. Pascal Ketamine 2018 Feb 17
7 Hours of Euphoria and Contentedness Worn Out Owl O-Desmethyltramadol 2018 Feb 17
Kind of a Let Down but With Visuals provocateur Ketamine 2018 Feb 17
Glimpsing Mythological Realms Kaleida Gabapentin 2018 Feb 17
Early Explorations of a Novel Hallucinogen Kaleida Gabapentin 2018 Feb 17
Currently Through Working the Twelve Steps Kevin Methamphetamine 2018 Feb 17
Fun but Challenging Combination! psychedane LSD & Changa 2018 Feb 17
Not a Recreational Drug anarchyannie Peyote 2018 Feb 17
Familiar Faces With No Names J-Pow Ketamine 2018 Feb 17
A Sensual Afternoon and Evening Cream_Gravy ALD-52 & O-Desmethyltramadol 2018 Feb 17
Unforeseen Side Effects IHamster Methamphetamine 2018 Feb 17
Ahhhh.....thats How Its Supposed to Be. goonhand Methamphetamine 2018 Feb 17
Working High and Avoiding the Comdown ozzyman Methamphetamine & Vitamins / Supplements 2018 Feb 17
Beautiful Experience Through Thick and Thin gardening logician 2C-E, 2C-I, MDMA & Changa 2018 Feb 17
Feel Good Inc Endless Test Tramadol 2018 Feb 17
Speed of Psi Psyside Amphetamines 2018 Feb 17
Ultimate Pleasure Has It's Downsides China hand Ketamine 2018 Feb 17
Heavy Dose Some Memory Loss drugsnotwar023 Ketamine 2018 Feb 17
The Big Tweek magic man Methamphetamine 2018 Feb 17
Methlomaniac Ninja darius Methamphetamine 2018 Feb 17
Three Years Stolen AFIbi7ch Methamphetamine 2018 Feb 17
The King of All Drugs speed Methamphetamine 2018 Feb 17
I Couldn't Make It Through the Day Without It Crazy Lady Methamphetamine 2018 Feb 17
Ohno! Where'd It Go? C. Burley Methamphetamine 2018 Feb 17
My Moves Were Dances ? Ketamine 2018 Feb 17

NOTE: There are 3 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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