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Reports from Feb 24 2018 - Feb 24 2018
All Reports
(37 Total)

Recommended From the Ashes Seppo 1P-LSD, 2C-B-Fly & MDMA 2018 Feb 24
Drifting Off to Cowboy Bebop Stimtrain Alright Trazodone 2018 Feb 24
A Bit Overwhelming HowDoYouFeel 5-MeO-MiPT & Etizolam 2018 Feb 24
No State to Be Seen In Tom Ketamine 2018 Feb 24
Just a Little Gets a Lot Done RockYourWorld Cocaine 2018 Feb 24
The Dangers of Unknown Territory cid-ra 4-ACO-DMT 2018 Feb 24
Wait, What Happened? Samila Alprazolam (Xanax) 2018 Feb 24
Figured I'd Give Nootropics a Try Godypis Phenibut 2018 Feb 24
Altered Realities Kyle 1P-LSD 2018 Feb 24
Trying It Out Anonymous Sildenafil (Viagra) 2018 Feb 24
I Don't See Why... xt3hninj4x Trazodone 2018 Feb 24
Circumventing My Recurrent Insomnia Rafe Trazodone 2018 Feb 24
Nightmarish Trip_Master Trazodone 2018 Feb 24
The Ice Age miranda Methamphetamine 2018 Feb 24
Never Like the First Time Again Z MDMA 2018 Feb 24
A New Kind of High Mickey Pregabalin 2018 Feb 24
Strange Sideeffects Wayne Sildenafil (Viagra) 2018 Feb 24
~Floating Away~ Alex In Neverland Pregabalin 2018 Feb 24
A Wittle Too Much Happyman Trazodone 2018 Feb 24
Sleepless. sara Trazodone 2018 Feb 24
My Nose Hurt So Badly Sarah Trazodone & Clonazepam 2018 Feb 24
I Fell Asleep Without My Consent King of the Pharmacy Trazodone 2018 Feb 24
A Bit Rough Going Down ANALONER Trazodone 2018 Feb 24
No Fun Shadow Trazodone 2018 Feb 24
No Recreational Value 2ton Trazodone 2018 Feb 24
A Sweaty Mess and Lagging Holmes Tramadol 2018 Feb 24
What Just Happened Anonomyous Cannabis 2018 Feb 24
My Experience With Use as Directed Dr._Horrible_Sings Clonazepam & Citalipram 2018 Feb 24
There Aren't Many Bad Side Effects For Me Coke Lover Cocaine 2018 Feb 24
Fun and Sleep $poonman Alprazolam & Alcohol - Beer 2018 Feb 24
Didnt Wake Up for 2 Days cole Alprazolam (Xanax) 2018 Feb 24
Don't Know What I Watched or What I Did Lynn Alprazolam (Xanax) 2018 Feb 24
If Used Responsibly, This Drug's My Miracle Woods Alprazolam (Xanax) 2018 Feb 24
Just Makes Me Want to Pass Out nysubstanceuser Alprazolam (Xanax) 2018 Feb 24
Laced Joint Always a Good Decision for Me Herr Mannelig Alprazolam & Cannabis 2018 Feb 24
Not Like the Ordinary High hittinthatdstdblnt Alprazolam & Cannabis 2018 Feb 24
Time Loss TheOne Alprazolam & Alcohol - Beer 2018 Feb 24

NOTE: There are 8 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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