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All reports with author name including 'f'
(3698 Total)

[901 - 1000 of 3698]
An Outrageous Combination Aftergas Fog DMT & Nitrous Oxide 2007 Sep 28
Total Bummer Experience Carpetelf Mushrooms 2007 Sep 25
High Chapperall Ferrelas Mushrooms - P. semilanceata, Cannabis, Tobacco & Datura 2007 Sep 19
The Hidden Dark Forrest I like Breakfast Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2007 Sep 17
There is No You There is Only Me KnifeAndrew Mushrooms & Alcohol 2007 Sep 12
The Best Night of my Life AfterGlow 2C-B 2007 Sep 12
I Never Existed, Yet I Had Always Been Riff Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2007 Sep 02
Distressing After Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Aug 31
Long Time Use Minty Fresh Gabapentin & Bupropion 2007 Aug 29
God, Show Me Magic Feel old MDMA (Ecstasy) & LSD 2007 Aug 23
An Unexpected Trip Cosmic Fool Cannabis & Salvia divinorum (leaves) 2007 Aug 23
My Science Experiment Dragonfly Sertraline(Zoloft), MDMA(Ecstasy) & Alcohol 2007 Aug 22
The Orgasm of a Lifetime Faiive Cannabis & Nitrates - Isobutyl Nitrite 2007 Aug 21
Lost at Intergalactic-Sea Green-tea fiend Cannabis 2007 Aug 21
Rollin' on a Ball Bearing Floor XdragonXforcex MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis 2007 Aug 20
No Need For Eyes Fus3r Inhalants (Computer Duster) 2007 Aug 15
My God That Toilet Door Was Whacky KrazyFabi0 DXM 2007 Aug 15
Closer to the Truth TrippedTiff7 Mushrooms & Cannabis 2007 Aug 13
DOChead's Usual Thoughts scatfly DOC 2007 Aug 09
Fuzz Vision Shatterwolf Dimenhydrinate 2007 Jul 31
Taking Off, Flying, Crashing HSixtyFour Propylhexedrine, Alcohol & Caffeine 2007 Jul 25
Glow-In-The-Dark Mini Putt Floyd Mushrooms & Cannabis 2007 Jul 24
Broken Down and Rebuilt Silverfucked MDA 2007 Jul 22
Pure Pleasure In Smokable Form PBF Crack 2007 Jul 17
Lines of Colour Catfish Jake Salvia divinorum (7x extract) 2007 Jul 07
Unfolding into a Disturbing World Oldenuftonobetter Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2007 Jul 07
Panicked Experience Of Separation From Self Daughterofdevi Salvia divinorum (extract) 2007 Jul 04
The Best and Worst Feelings Ever artificial sweetener Cocaine 2007 Jun 29
Throat Swelling, Convinced I Couldn't Breathe Frostillicus MDA 2007 Jun 28
Anxiety, PTSD, and HPPD from a Bit of Fun Socialfreak Cannabis 2007 Jun 28
Low Dose, Big Experience Alf Morning Glory 2007 Jun 25
I Live In a Dream Mr. Bullfrog Cannabis 2007 Jun 24
Sonata Sonnet Guilford Zaleplon 2007 Jun 22
Pure White Universe BongFish Mushrooms, Cannabis & Alcohol 2007 Jun 21
The Girl From Ipanema Onion Flags Salvia divinorum (Leaves) 2007 Jun 21
The Life I Never Knew New Life LSD & Lithium 2007 Jun 19
Comfortable Places Pinkfloyd25 Salvia divinorum (10x Extract) 2007 Jun 19
Where Did the Time Go Happy Fenix MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis 2007 Jun 19
A First and Complete Look Greenfox Kratom (15x extract) 2007 Jun 16
Observations on Dosage Thyrfing DOI 2007 Jun 14
The Night I Almost Died Friedphish Methylphenidate 2007 Jun 12
Paranoid and Scrambled Delusions Foonatt Mushrooms 2007 Jun 12
Disturbing Candyflip I Know Kung Fu LSD, MDMA, Alcohol & Diazepam (Valium) 2007 Jun 09
Overall Effect Reduction & One Increase Fizzle22 Paroxetine & Various 2007 Jun 08
I Will Never Trip at a Rave Again Riffle Methamphetamine, LSD, MDMA (Ecstasy), Mescaline & Cannabis 2007 Jun 07
Dullness and the Law of Diminishing Returns Seifuru Hydromorphone 2007 Jun 06
From Death to God Out of Body Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2007 Jun 05
My Achilles Tendon McG. Skjellyfetti Amphetamine (Adderall) 2007 Jun 02
Snus Freshtaste Tobacco 2007 Jun 01
Fear of Everything FTK Cannabis 2007 May 31
Lost in a Moment, Lost in a Loop Censuredself Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis 2007 May 30
The Love Kanonpfj MDMA (Ecstasy) 2007 May 30
A Collection of Reports Starfish Zolpidem 2007 May 30
Wobbly gravity Doooofus Codeine 2007 May 30
They Are Bringing a Helicoptor and I'm Gonna Be on CNN Israfel Mushrooms, Alcohol, Cannabis & Lorazepam 2007 May 27
Unraveled Mind FhKu Mushrooms 2007 May 23
Lunatic Excursion SuBtLeFuGe LSD 2007 May 22
Chatting with Friends Rolandofgilead Cocaine 2007 May 22
She's My Narcotic Jordan F Nutmeg 2007 May 19
Up the Nose and Straight to Hell Fetus54 2C-T-2 2007 May 11
It Was The Best Of Times, The Worst Of Times FraterAletheos1713 Alcohol, Vinpocetine, & Methylphenidate 2007 May 10
The Internal Glow Is Lit Direwolf Cannabis 2007 May 07
Smoking to Stop Smoking Floating Tuxedo Tobacco 2007 Apr 30
Liquid On The Inside Yosef H.B. Woodrose 2007 Apr 28
A Doctor's Account Free_Thinker Cannabis 2007 Apr 25
Insane for a Day Fallsign Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2007 Apr 23
Very Strange PseudoTrip Forget#1 Kava 2007 Apr 16
Epiphany in the Desert Indelibleface LSD 2007 Apr 14
Not Worth It Peterframpton Catnip & Tobacco 2007 Apr 10
My First Experience Franz Ermit Salvia divinorum 2007 Mar 30
Imbibed Extract Flopsy Wormwood (Extract) 2007 Mar 17
Seeing the Ice Maiden Blikgoffinix Nutmeg 2007 Mar 17
Tranquil Visions in the Heart of Nature Peaceful_Tripper420 Cacti - T. pachanoi 2007 Mar 17
Mayans, UFOs & Holy Water Mr. Frink Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis 2007 Mar 16
A Total Flop Alforn Ayahuasca (B. caapi & P. viridis) 2007 Mar 13
Spiders and Mystical Wallpaper Flash Cyclizine 2007 Mar 11
Ice Cream Computer, but No Ego Death Slackwater Farmer Mushrooms - P. cyanescens & P. cubensis 2007 Mar 11
A Rapturous Reverie Mellifera H.B. Woodrose & Methamphetamine 2007 Mar 07
Split Dimensions Fire on the wire Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2007 Mar 07
Getting in the Way of My Beauty Justcuzyoufeelit Mushrooms 2007 Mar 06
Unpleasant Constrictions Fragrant Lisp 5-MeO-MIPT 2007 Mar 04
Never Again!! Professor Chaos Cannabis, Alcohol, Mushrooms & Oxycodone 2007 Mar 04
The Shower is Music Professor GRAV Cannabis 2007 Mar 02
My First Spritual Orgasm JFunk Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2007 Feb 25
Procrastination and Time Management Side Effect Modafinil & Methylphenidate 2007 Feb 14
Stomping in the Moonlight Parakeetfoot Datara & Alcohol (Beer) 2007 Feb 12
Fractals, Hexagons and Nothing Kiffer 5-MeO-DMT 2007 Feb 12
Tripping Alone in a Crowd Jeff LSD 2007 Feb 08
Time Trip Felix Cattus Catnip, Hops & Cannabis 2007 Jan 25
Vomiting Never So Religious Furcifer pardalis Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) 2007 Jan 23
Fullfillment? Emcee frosty-frost Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) 2007 Jan 23
Beautiful, Enough Said FearedAndLoathing LSD 2007 Jan 22
Somewhere in Between Buffalo Soldier Datura stramonium (seeds) & Belladona (leaves) 2007 Jan 21
Ultimate Relaxation Flipper Cannabis - Hash 2007 Jan 16
Calming, Visual, Peaceful and Beautiful CCCfunky DPT 2007 Jan 16
My struggle with Opiates Mcfly Opiates 2007 Jan 15
Its Not a Laughing Matter......Or is It? FZR1 Salvia divinorium 2007 Jan 15
Angelic Women and Black Holes Spiro of the pent Salvia divinorum 2007 Jan 14
Tree of Life, and Living Flame Naughty Fairies DPT & Alcohol (Wine) 2007 Jan 11
Dimensional Rift. Formaldehyde Mushrooms & Cannabis 2007 Jan 08

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NOTE: There are 223 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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