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Reports from Jan 10 2018 - Jan 10 2018
All Reports
(20 Total)

Recommended Vaporizing: Better Than A Pill Prism 2C-E 2018 Jan 10
Relaxing, Calming, Anti-Anxiety Nemo1313 Damiana 2018 Jan 10
How I Kicked One Habbit With Another Chili the Pepper Cocaine & Methamphetamine 2018 Jan 10
A Little White Lie sissyr Cocaine 2018 Jan 10
Losing Reality - Feeling Alone Justin Cahse 2C-D & 2C-I 2018 Jan 10
Information Revealed to Me thales Nitrous Oxide 2018 Jan 10
I Was Aware of My Third Eye Rockwitch Damiana 2018 Jan 10
Smooth Relaxation Maenad Damiana 2018 Jan 10
Crying Over Spilled Beer - Then Thankful For It PukeStorm Oxycodone 2018 Jan 10
Almost No Effects After Snorting All Night Jason Trepagnier Cocaine & Beer 2018 Jan 10
I Fell Off The Horse And Got Right Back Up Jack Daniel Cocaine 2018 Jan 10
Electric Neon Land B. Tootherye 2C-I, MDPV, Trazodone & Spice Product 2018 Jan 10
The Pattern thales Nitrous Oxide 2018 Jan 10
Enjoyable Aphrodisiac Not Much Else Mrentheogen Damiana 2018 Jan 10
Realizing Reality Unique MDMA 2018 Jan 10
Mind Fry After Big Line RDB09 2C-E 2018 Jan 10
Intrinsically Anxiety Inducing MachineGunBallad 2C-I 2018 Jan 10
Felt Better Than I Ever Have - Just Ask The Mouse Julian Clan 2C-I 2018 Jan 10
Very Little Effects - A Few Odd Noises charmander321 2C-I & Cannabis 2018 Jan 10
Laughing A Lot With Lots Of Colors holly 2C-T-2 2018 Jan 10

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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