zz Psychedelics - 2021 JH (also LD, psilocybin-containing mushrooms, 2c-e, 2c-i, 2c-b) Reports - First Times
First Times
(2086 Total)

[1 - 100 of 2086]
Very Highly Recommended Intense Learning Experience HippieGirl LSD 2016 Apr 08
Very Highly Recommended A Backward-Resonating Experience bug 2C-I 2006 May 16
Very Highly Recommended Analytical Self-Abuse Jikkle 2C-E 2003 Dec 02
Highly Recommended Darkness and Pain Special K LSD 2022 Sep 07
Highly Recommended Dying Melting Into Earth Fear and Comfort Phantasmagoria Mushrooms 2020 Oct 10
Highly Recommended My Death Was Imminent Gaygoat LSD 2019 Oct 17
Highly Recommended How I Accidentally Blasted Off One Day Early adastraperspeculum DMT 2019 May 04
Highly Recommended One Night of Heaven, One Night of Hell JL Ayahuasca 2019 Mar 05
Highly Recommended It Teaches Me to Be Waffers 2C-B 2018 Dec 11
Highly Recommended Pain Poultice Dan Ayahuasca 2018 Jan 30
Highly Recommended And Suddenly Yugen Another human DMT 2017 Nov 30
Highly Recommended Furthest Away From Home I've Ever Been Reverse Pingpong LSD & Cannabis 2017 Nov 01
Highly Recommended A Visual Spectacular Riley 2C-B 2017 Apr 02
Highly Recommended Look Deeper Frog LSD 2016 Jul 06
Highly Recommended Alien Abduction in Hyperspace Stridency DMT 2016 Feb 07
Highly Recommended It Can Be Whatever I Want It to Be triptacular LSD 2012 Dec 04
Highly Recommended This is the Moment You Realize Craig Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2012 Nov 01
Highly Recommended Love, Light, and Mushrooms NaggyJ Mushrooms 2012 Oct 17
Highly Recommended One Beautiful Hit WaterBongs DMT 2012 Apr 11
Highly Recommended A 1914 Case of Mushroom Intoxication A. E. Verrill Mushrooms - P. subbalteatus or P. papilionaceus 2011 Nov 17
Highly Recommended The Night I Saw the Stars Dance Shannon A Peyote 2011 Aug 01
Highly Recommended Vulnerable and Confused GWs Fruit Tree 2C-I 2011 Mar 17
Highly Recommended There is No Why Cosmic Muser LSD & Cannabis 2011 Mar 11
Highly Recommended Hell Healing and the Sublime Fern Ayahuasca 2010 Dec 09
Highly Recommended The Eternal Dance of Beautiful Nothingness Quantagy DMT & Cannabis 2010 Sep 14
Highly Recommended Sun Dance Mundane Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis 2010 Apr 23
Highly Recommended Becoming Another: Ego-Loss & Self Realization Hello_Kosmos LSD & Cannabis 2009 Mar 24
Highly Recommended The Swish of the Schacapa Dillon Ayahuasca 2008 Mar 05
Highly Recommended The Nature Of The Human Mind Roygbiv 2C-E 2007 Aug 17
Highly Recommended Zeesersow Kuato LSD & Cannabis 2007 Apr 07
Highly Recommended The Yin Yang - A Symbol of Life bickoma Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2007 Feb 26
Highly Recommended Super Dimensions and the Design of Life 5thShuriken Mushrooms & Cannabis 2007 Jan 30
Highly Recommended Not What I Was Expecting Chloglith Mushrooms & Cannabis 2007 Jan 22
Highly Recommended A Touch From The Goddess Atomic006 DMT 2007 Jan 19
Highly Recommended Empathy and Insight Will Mushrooms & Cannabis 2007 Jan 05
Highly Recommended Breathtaking with Some Physical Discomfort Amethyst Deceiver 2C-B 2006 Sep 20
Highly Recommended My Mind/Imagination Is All that Exists Duff Mushrooms - P. subaeruginosa & Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2006 Sep 14
Highly Recommended Enter the Lifeforce: Ascent to Enlightenment Xorkoth Mushrooms 2005 Oct 27
Highly Recommended Any Dose can Be High Dose for Newbie Prophessor Plum Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2005 Aug 23
Highly Recommended Density Like Smoke In A Slow Breeze Hon Gik Ingam 2C-I 2005 Jul 03
Highly Recommended Shuddering and Cold Z. 2C-E 2005 Jun 06
Highly Recommended Remarks on the Effects of the Mescal Button Dr. S. Weir Mitchell Peyote Extract 2005 Apr 28
Highly Recommended The First Bicycle Day? Dr. Eshner Peyote Extract 2005 Apr 27
Highly Recommended Not What I Bargained For ignotus Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis 2005 Apr 22
Highly Recommended Psychedelic Initiation VapourBoy Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2005 Feb 15
Highly Recommended The Horror, The Horror Jamshyd Mushrooms 2004 Dec 01
Highly Recommended Mother Spirit Awaits universal shaman DMT 2004 Sep 28
Highly Recommended The Fire From Within BIO-BLOG28 DMT 2004 Sep 27
Highly Recommended The Universe Is A Quantum Computer tachyon 2C-I 2004 Aug 16
Highly Recommended Visits Home To Myself jean LSD 2003 Jun 09
Highly Recommended Death and Transfiguration f Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2003 Apr 18
Highly Recommended 2C-Enchronicity Bong Man 2C-E 2002 Nov 25
Highly Recommended Infinity of the Now Synchrojet DMT 2002 Jul 25
Highly Recommended A Much Needed Therapy Session Floydian Cacti - T. pachanoi 2002 Jul 16
Highly Recommended Opening Of The Mind's Eye Matt Himself 2C-I 2002 Jun 03
Highly Recommended Phased to Oblivion, with Love A. Aplacophoran LSD 2001 Jul 27
Highly Recommended Much More than a 2C-B Analogue 77k 2C-I 2001 May 01
Highly Recommended The Elven Antics Annex SFos DMT 2000 Jun 14
Recommended An Intense Journey Luna Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Golden Teacher) 2024 Jan 19
Recommended Illusion of Intellect at the Border of Perspective J Mushrooms 2023 Nov 13
Recommended Epiphany on a Couch Clancy Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens & Cannabis 2022 Nov 14
Recommended Pure Insanity j990 2C-I 2022 Nov 08
Recommended Rewarding With Some Paranoia and Odd Ideas ZH Peyote 2022 Oct 27
Recommended 7 Grams of Pure Insanity Anonymous Mushrooms 2022 Aug 22
Recommended Piņa Por Favor! Psychestim Mescaline hydrochloride 2022 May 03
Recommended Uncomfortable Learning, I Loved It Parker Mushrooms - P. Atlantis (scleroti) & Cannabis 2022 May 01
Recommended 100x Better Than Expected Eric Mushrooms 2022 Mar 01
Recommended Literally Incredible PranaPiranha DMT 2021 Jun 14
Recommended Observed and Observer Melded Together Megan DMT 2021 Jun 14
Recommended My First Trip Was Lifechanging Imaginary Mushrooms 2021 Jan 01
Recommended Fever Dreams interested Cacti - T. peruvianus 2020 Dec 07
Recommended An Alien to Myself thereforeiam Mushrooms 2020 Oct 29
Recommended Out in Infinite Waters tauri Mushrooms 2020 Oct 13
Recommended Mystery Runes and Medicinal Merriment GonzoBlackshirt Mushrooms - P. cubensis (extract) 2020 Oct 12
Recommended Depth and Intensity of It Took Me by Surprise bongd81 Mushrooms - P. mexicana (sclerotia) 2020 Aug 20
Recommended A Late Beginning Nowhere Girl Mushrooms - P. semilanceata 2020 Jul 29
Recommended The First One Is Always Free SF88E DMT 2020 Jul 24
Recommended The Thunder Within cloned2bewild LSD 2020 Jul 12
Recommended Slapped By The Hand Of God Pillow Snake Ayahuasca 2020 Jun 11
Recommended Just a Taste sentient being DMT 2020 Jun 04
Recommended Enthusiastic About Trying comftorble Cacti - T. pachanoi 2020 Jun 01
Recommended Journey Into My Bed bluette LSD 2020 May 13
Recommended The Rebirth of My Psyche GingerPatches Mushrooms 2020 Apr 29
Recommended Deeply Personal, Emotional, Positive, Profound JCX LSD 2020 Apr 24
Recommended The Gift of Gratitude MyCupRunnethOver Ayahuasca 2020 Apr 04
Recommended Speaking Without Words Chunkymonk LSD & Cannabis 2020 Feb 16
Recommended The Secret of Life DK76 Ayahuasca 2020 Feb 07
Recommended First Breakthrough. Ego Loss and Bad Trip beerded1 DMT 2020 Feb 03
Recommended An Early Start on the Rest of My Life Psyghtseer LSD 2019 Nov 24
Recommended Touched by God Kevin DMT 2019 Oct 02
Recommended Hangin Around the Transitions ForestDweller Mescaline 2019 Sep 29
Recommended Testing the Waters, Dipping Into the Void Thomas Psilocybe cubensis (Amazonian) 2018 Sep 25
Recommended Marvellous Huxley LSD 2018 Sep 16
Recommended The Void, Religious Crisis and Psychosis DeflatedCupcakes LSD & Cannabis 2018 Aug 11
Recommended Learning To Let Go teepeep10 Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2018 Aug 07
Recommended A Throne Is Just a Fancy Chair Alex Mushrooms 2018 Jun 26
Recommended My Perception of Time Went Out the Window Traveler Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2018 Jun 20
Recommended Its the Bs Knees MrMoran 2C-B 2018 Jun 09
Recommended Very Dreamlike Thisisme DMT 2018 Apr 04
Recommended The Most Influential Night of My Life BMeebz Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2018 Apr 03

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NOTE: There are 44 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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