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All reports with author name including 'P'
(6868 Total)

[4001 - 4100 of 6868]
Theory: Dehydration + Hot Bath = Problem shpoffo Mushrooms 2005 Feb 03
Doppleganger Omnip Codeine & DXM 2005 Feb 01
Dreamy Experience CptFarlow Calea zacatechichi & Tobacco 2005 Jan 25
Very Sudden Onset of Incoherence Pennsylvania GBL 2005 Jan 18
Really Fun, Once in a While Zippy Methylphenidate 2005 Jan 04
Weak but Satisyfing Trip spazm Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2005 Jan 04
Unusually Long Experience egg plant Salvia divinorum, Bupropion, Fluoxetine & Amphetamines (Adderall) 2005 Jan 03
Totally Brain Dead Planeteer Tiagabine (Gabitril) 2005 Jan 02
Great for Easing RX Withdrawal AnonymousPatient Kratom 2004 Dec 30
Recipe for Dreams Pychotropic Kava, 5-HTP & Melatonin 2004 Dec 30
Rollercoaster Ride Muppet Methamphetamine 2004 Dec 29
Energized... and Mirror Gazing Psilo_smylin Cactus, Ginger & Syrian Rue 2004 Dec 29
More Balanced View of Life CaptainGravity 5-HTP & Niacin 2004 Dec 29
Encounters with the Diviner's Mint Perceptions Altered Salvia divinorum 2004 Dec 21
An Almost Teary Farewell to a True Psychonaut C.Snap LSD , Cannabis & MDMA 2004 Dec 21
Knowing All the Levels on Which God Plays Christopher Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2004 Dec 17
Perceptions Alive Perceptions Altered LSD & Cannabis 2004 Dec 17
A Lot of Work, No Effect Hephaestus Morning Glory seeds 2004 Dec 11
Sexual Side Effects? Woah.. Skipper Zipp Paroxetine 2004 Dec 08
Unexpected 24-Hour Headache anonymus morphinist Bupropion, Ephedrine & Morphine 2004 Dec 07
Nasty Body Feeling Jesper Caffeine 2004 Dec 07
Clarity - Out of Body Experience Crispy Cannabis - Hash 2004 Dec 07
I Had No Problem with an Interaction Sparky Mushrooms - P. tampanensis & Citalopram 2004 Dec 06
Easy Extracts Andy P. Kava & Salvia divinorum 2004 Dec 01
Good Stuff Roach Clip 2C-I 2004 Nov 30
Undesirable Effects of Herbal Sex Enhancers Spider Maca, Damiana & Rhodiola rosea 2004 Nov 30
I Couldn't Stop Smiling Napoleon Mushrooms & Cannabis 2004 Nov 22
Finding Truths with the Earth's Gifts explorer Mushrooms 2004 Nov 22
Better than Depression Cipher Venlafaxine (Effexor) 2004 Nov 17
Being in a Painting Salvia Plath Calea zacatechichi, Salvia divinorum, Leonotis leonurus, Cannabis & Alcohol 2004 Nov 15
A Unique Feeling provsrock Modafinil (Provigil) & Alcohol 2004 Nov 12
Energy astralproject 4-Acetoxy-DiPT 2004 Nov 04
Very Strong Headache pedro Cacti - T. peruvianus 2004 Nov 04
Takes the Edge Off Max P. Kava 2004 Nov 01
A Force of Nature Stuttering_Poet Salvia divinorum 2004 Oct 22
Nothing Special Really psy-marshal 4-Fluoroamphetamine & MDMA 2004 Oct 21
Mid-day in the (Beer)Garden of Good and Evil psy-marshal 2C-T-2 2004 Oct 20
Depressant nom de plume Damiana 2004 Oct 18
Oh No, I Wouldn't Get Addicted phool GHB & GBL 2004 Oct 15
Gave Me a Terrible Migraine Phlash Nitrous Oxide 2004 Oct 12
Enter Another Paranoid Reality Peter Heroin & Diphenhydramine 2004 Oct 12
Daily Regimen Dr. Hector P. Hydergine & Piracetam 2004 Oct 12
Pleasant Relaxation Randolph C. Absinthe & Cannabis 2004 Sep 29
Die Gemeine Trompete opfer Engelstrompete 2004 Sep 28
Potency Slipknot stupifly Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) 2004 Sep 27
Stoned Without the Mental Confusion Experi-MENTAL Amitriptyline 2004 Sep 23
Method to My Madness...? Carpe Noctem Methamphetamine 2004 Sep 22
Opening the Door pyrotix 5-MeO-DiPT & Cannabis 2004 Sep 21
7 Hours Tweaked, 3 Days Twacked Empathy Methamphetamine 2004 Sep 13
Total Eclipse of the Brain Tryptakid Ketamine & Cannabis 2004 Sep 10
At Death's Doorstop Punkerslut 5-MeO-DMT 2004 Sep 10
Stuck in My Body night tripper Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) 2004 Aug 30
A Beastly Brew Yields Power True KP Syrian Rue & Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2004 Aug 24
Smells Like Strange Lemons the purple mage Syrian Rue 2004 Aug 24
Possible Energy Detection Method? Xantryper 5-MeO-DiPT 2004 Aug 20
Three Days of Use - Aftereffects Prolixity Methamphetamine 2004 Aug 20
Psychosis Plant Nutmeg 2004 Aug 20
A Dissapointment m-piker Mushrooms 2004 Aug 19
Oops, That Didn't Work... Strange Philosopher Cacti - M. geometrizans 2004 Aug 17
The Lessons of the Plant Spencer Cannabis 2004 Aug 16
Growing Journal JuanPacoLopez Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2004 Aug 16
Cactus Journey through My Neighborhood Spike the Beagle Cacti - T. pachanoi 2004 Aug 10
Mystical Night of Glowing Ghosts and Dreams peaceful_tripper05 Datura 2004 Aug 08
Subcutaneously Injected gggiiimmmppp 2C-I, Amphetamines & Sleep Deprivation 2004 Aug 07
Empathy and Love Like No Other Space Cadet MDMA (Ecstasy) 2004 Aug 04
Sharing the Pain Red Penguin Cannabis 2004 Aug 03
Careful With That, Eugene PillBoxHat 2C-E 2004 Jul 31
A Drive Through the Cornfield! TripleB Cannabis, 5-MeO-DiPT, Cocaine & 5-MeO-AMT 2004 Jul 27
Effex or Defex TripHeart Venlafaxine & Cannabis 2004 Jul 27
Not Exactly What I Expected apathie 'Ecstasy' (Unknown, possibly 5-MeO-DiPT) Cocaine & Diphenhydramine 2004 Jul 23
Mental Comfort / Physical Uncomfort The Fresh Prince 5-MeO-DiPT & MDMA 2004 Jul 23
Rave en Buenos Aires! Pirelli LSD & Ecstasy 2004 Jul 22
One Night in Las Vegas Purple Darren 2C-T-2 2004 Jul 22
The Celery Psychedelic Pseudanonymous 2C-T-4 2004 Jul 19
Visual, But Not Deep Tryptophan 2C-T-2 2004 Jul 14
Erotic Phinslit DiPT 2004 Jul 14
DNA-Ladder to Heaven Phsychonaut 5-MeO-DiPT 2004 Jul 14
Zoom Travel on an Unfamiliar Planet DICK Publius 2C-E 2004 Jul 14
Unprepared for the Intensity superslowmo 2C-P 2004 Jul 12
Terckeshii Poisoning Booshpig Cacti - T. terscheckii 2004 Jul 12
Testing the Waters supernaught 5-MeO-DiPT 2004 Jul 06
Tripping With Nowhere To Go punkrockprincess Mushrooms 2004 Jun 29
A Different World Peaceful_Tripper05 Datura 2004 Jun 27
Bad Reaction to IV persistent Clonazepam, Heroin, & 2C-T-21 2004 Jun 18
Induced Selflessness pineal glutton Salvia divinorum (tincture) 2004 Jun 16
I Didn't Think It Would Work Bluemangrp Calea zacatechichi 2004 Jun 15
Research Chems + Opiates persistent Methadone, Tramadol, Propoxyphene, Hydrocodone & Oxycodone, Heroin, AMT & 2C-C 2004 Jun 09
What Happened to the Party? Tales of a Junkie Euphoria Methamphetamine 2004 Jun 07
Escaped Mental Patient templeH Mushrooms 2004 Jun 07
Enhancement of Reality sepulfreak 2C-D 2004 Jun 04
I Became One with the Floor Zaphod Salvia divinorum 2004 May 19
Diamonds and the Ruffage paulus Mushrooms - P. cubensis & L-Tryptophan 2004 May 13
I Made It Through Spin180 GHB 2004 May 12
The Cry of the Gnomes Spazmik Salvia divinorum & Cannabis 2004 May 12
Please Be Careful! Ex-DXMTRIPPER DXM-Alcohol-Xanax 2004 May 07
Synergy at its Best DXMTRIPPER DXM; alcohol; ephedrine; diphenhydramine 2004 May 07
Pure Delerium...My First Time With Dramamine! DXMTRIPPER Dramamine (dimenhydrinate) 2004 May 07
It Kills The Panic Sparkle Dragon Alprazolam (Xanax) 2004 May 05
A Lot I Don't Remember Zop Flunitrazepam & Alcohol 2004 May 03
A Little Odd Emotionally Zop Kava 2004 May 03

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NOTE: There are 416 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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