LSD (also Acid; Doses; Trips) Reports - Difficult Experiences
Difficult Experiences
(469 Total)

[1 - 100 of 469]
Highly Recommended Overcoming Fear Lirid DXM, ALD-52 & AL-LAD 2023 Dec 27
Highly Recommended This is Fine Dragonslayer Velswin LSD 2022 Sep 05
Highly Recommended My Death Was Imminent Gaygoat LSD 2019 Oct 17
Highly Recommended The Colossus nervewing Memantine, 3-MEO-PCE, LSD, 4-AcO-MiPT, 4-HO-MET, 2C-C, Clonazepam & Aripiprazole 2018 Aug 04
Highly Recommended Remember to Have Respect for Bliss Student of Life LSD, Ephenidine, Phenibut & Cannabis 2016 Dec 21
Highly Recommended So Sure I Could Handle It DeWitt LSD 2012 Apr 10
Highly Recommended Turned Inside-Out Ivanankuvinich Mescaline & LSD 2011 Sep 28
Highly Recommended Life Death Rebirth NewRainbowChild MDMA (Ecstasy), LSD & Cannabis 2010 Oct 07
Highly Recommended From Beautiful to Terrifying Hypersphere DMT, MDMA (Ecstasy) & LSD 2010 Oct 06
Highly Recommended 5-D Prison Outside of Time Klaus LSD, Salvia divinorum (leaf and 10x extract) & Cannabis 2010 Sep 22
Highly Recommended A Close Encounter with Suspected DOB Hypersphere Unknown (Sold as LSD but suspected to be DOB) 2010 Sep 07
Highly Recommended Sipping on the World Syrup Tim K LSD 2010 Mar 23
Highly Recommended The Infinite Reality Layers, Ultimate Despair Ben LSD 2009 Jun 04
Highly Recommended The Weekend At The Edge Of The Universe Sparticus Mushrooms - P. cubensis, LSD, 2C-B, MDMA (Ecstasy), DMT, Ketamine, Mescaline & Cannabis 2008 Jun 21
Highly Recommended The Legend of the Stuffed Banana Uneven LSD & Cannabis 2007 Nov 30
Highly Recommended Set and Setting Mean Everything Endless Sky LSD & Cannabis 2007 Jun 05
Highly Recommended Zeesersow Kuato LSD & Cannabis 2007 Apr 07
Highly Recommended Delirium Joebro LSD & Diazepam 2007 Jan 19
Highly Recommended Acid Answers Questions About Reality Graham LSD & Ketamine 2003 Dec 05
Highly Recommended Pretty Powerful Stuff Normal LSD 2003 Mar 31
Highly Recommended Use Caution When Dosing Tristan Haze LSD 2002 Oct 28
Highly Recommended The Bad Candyflip Scotto MDMA & LSD 2000 Jun 21
Recommended The Darkest Candyflip: A Rupture From Reality the epic mundane LSD & MDMA 2023 Feb 22
Recommended Overwhelmingly Terrifying Sanista LSD & Changa 2021 Dec 06
Recommended The Face of God CapnLariat Mushrooms & LSD 2019 May 06
Recommended The Void, Religious Crisis and Psychosis DeflatedCupcakes LSD & Cannabis 2018 Aug 11
Recommended Ego Death Ephraim Rage LSD 2018 Jun 06
Recommended From Confusion to Peace Riggs LSD 2018 Apr 19
Recommended The Shadow Pharmakos LSD 2017 Sep 29
Recommended Spiral In, Out & Back Again HurghtAttack LSD & Cannabis 2017 Jul 08
Recommended Inter-dimensional Alien Contact H.P LSD 2017 Mar 29
Recommended Self-Deception Induced Nightmare Straydog Suspected DOB (sold as LSD), Cannabis & Synthetic Cannabinoids 2015 Dec 28
Recommended Underestimating Acid Tyler Keenan LSD & Cannabis 2013 Aug 18
Recommended The Infinite Beauty of the Snow Lucy LSD 2013 Apr 22
Recommended Report of Session of M.J. Stolaroff, 16 Apr 1956 Myron Stolaroff LSD 2013 Apr 01
Recommended One Windy City Reminiscence Chris LSD 2013 Jan 11
Recommended A Spiritual Chill and an Invasion Big Chief LSD & Cannabis 2013 Jan 10
Recommended A Mind-Fuck for the Ages Leovinus LSD & Cannabis 2013 Jan 02
Recommended The 24 Hour Electric Bubblegum Fiasco Mr. Chaos LSD 2012 Dec 27
Recommended Halloween Town mollyg LSD 2012 Dec 12
Recommended Ego Death Through LSD Johnny Bananas LSD, MDMA, Cannabis & Alcohol 2012 Dec 12
Recommended Apocalyptic Nightmare Shulgins Cat LSD 2012 Nov 28
Recommended Acid Rain Starrness LSD 2012 Nov 09
Recommended Rebooting My Mind Thedon420 LSD, Nitrous Oxide & Salvia divonorum 2012 Oct 31
Recommended My First Difficult Experience... D LSD 2012 Oct 23
Recommended Too Much of a Good Thing MikeEC LSD 2012 Apr 04
Recommended Confronting the Blur Flickering LSD & Cannabis 2012 Jan 03
Recommended Demon Woman Alex LSD 2011 Mar 11
Recommended Chaos and Beauty Being Dumped in a Trip Azgaza LSD, Ketamine & Hash 2011 Feb 08
Recommended Reading the Book of My Life Superdude21 LSD & Cannabis 2010 Mar 23
Recommended Double Whammy Death Trip Banana Lady Witch LSD & Salvia divinorum 2009 Jul 18
Recommended The Beat of the Beast That Drives Us Drip Drangle LSD 2008 Oct 13
Recommended These Aren't Toys We Play With Indelibleface LSD & MDA 2008 Feb 06
Recommended In Search of a Meaningful...Something XEdize LSD, DXM, Dimenhydinate & Cannabis 2008 Jan 17
Recommended Message from Space Steve LSD 2007 Jul 30
Recommended Fat Blue Tabs Three Railz LSD 2007 Jul 20
Recommended A Crazy Sigma Plus Trip Enosys LSD & DXM 2007 Jun 25
Recommended A Dance with Lucy Mattzdope LSD 2007 Apr 19
Recommended Leibe Sucht Dich! Chris M. LSD 2007 Feb 15
Recommended Didn't Know What I Was Getting into, Hit Hard Chris LSD 2006 Oct 22
Recommended Three Cubes, Two Angels and One Crazy Trip Guedo LSD, Lithium & Bupropion (Wellbutrin) 2006 Jun 26
Recommended Leaping Off the Edge of Forever Shoe-Yah LSD 2006 May 28
Recommended Back to 1999 Mesqualero LSD 2006 Apr 30
Recommended Learning Lots from Leary Youshouldknowbetter LSD 2006 Apr 21
Recommended Getting To Know Me Yoschie LSD 2006 Mar 06
Recommended Overwhelmed by Senses StonerJunkie LSD & Cannabis 2006 Mar 01
Recommended LSD Psychotherapy Trip #1 - Deep Revelations psilocybe LSD 2006 Feb 06
Recommended It Felt Like True Psychosis Shruming Human LSD 2005 Dec 25
Recommended The Nature of Tripping bluedolphin LSD & Cannabis 2005 Nov 08
Recommended A Thousand Lost Ephiphanies M LSD & Cannabis 2005 Aug 28
Recommended The Universal Consciousness of Mind and God Faeden LSD 2005 Aug 04
Recommended Sounds Everywhere chew LSD 2005 Mar 10
Recommended Weed is the Fuse blarg LSD & Cannabis 2004 May 18
Recommended Discovery of True Love through a Bad Trip JuanPacoLopez LSD 2004 May 13
Recommended Candyflip Overdose jbp LSD & MDMA 2004 Feb 20
Recommended Intruding on God's Turf Jesse LSD 2003 Oct 05
Recommended An Unexpected Twist Strazi LSD 2003 Oct 05
Recommended A Terrifying Enlightenment Experience Cat LSD 2003 Sep 07
Recommended Heaven and Hell Plus-4 Mahan Atma LSD 2002 Mar 01
Recommended Stuck in a Time Loop HeWhoLives DXM & LSD 2001 Dec 06
Recommended Waking Up From Reality Rebecca LSD 2001 Aug 20
Recommended Changed Forever John J LSD 2001 Aug 07
Recommended Death makes life beautiful Maby LSD 2001 Apr 18
New Journey to the Biggest Fear Oxy LSD, MDMA & Ketamine 2024 Oct 12
First Bicycle Day Trip Expo420 LSD, Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis 2023 Oct 25
Time Traveling by Way of Vomit Dizzy DXM, LSD & Cannabis 2023 Jun 26
Fractal Inferno izan LSD 2023 May 16
Terror and Catharsis fairygoblinmaybe LSD, Cannabis & Tobacco 2023 Mar 20
Vaporwave, the Multiverse, at War With Myself BustedBanana LSD, Ketamine & Cannabis 2023 Jan 14
Living Music and a Stroll medlr LSD 2022 Nov 21
The Orbs of Deception fallen98 LSD & Cannabis 2022 Oct 14
The Loop ArUcAmXeLa93 LSD (possibly not LSD), Cigarette & Gabapentin 2022 Oct 05
The Fear Jostie LSD 2022 Oct 01
I'm Not the Same Anymore Ren Mushrooms, LSD & Trazodone 2022 Aug 04
A Foolish Double-Dose Holfield LSD 2021 Dec 20
A Trip to Heaven and Hell nono LSD 2021 Feb 27
Sensory Perception Beyond Imagination Janie LSD 2020 Jun 16
A Peek Into A Bad Trip deala LSD 2020 May 29
The Thought Police MakePeace LSD 2020 Mar 31
Not Terribly Pleased ghostgirl LSD, Spironolactone & Estradiol 2020 Feb 18

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NOTE: There are 15 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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