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Reports from Apr 9 2018 - Apr 9 2018
All Reports
(26 Total)

Makes Me Calm Fefo Methylphenidate 2018 Apr 09
A Positive Experience Claire Methylphenidate 2018 Apr 09
First Time and No Sitter Joss Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2018 Apr 09
Don't Do This Xx Hydro xX Niacin 2018 Apr 09
My Stereo Was at War ambien Zolpidem 2018 Apr 09
Hardly Capable of Moving A Ketamine, Mushrooms & Oxycodone 2018 Apr 09
For School Purposes Only LL Methylphenidate 2018 Apr 09
All Niter ritalin kid Methylphenidate 2018 Apr 09
Trip Ruined by Sitter bobert Salvia divinorum (15x extract) 2018 Apr 09
Plane Ride I Never Knew I Went On floooater Zolpidem 2018 Apr 09
The Best Hallucinogen. Period. Ambien Zolpidem 2018 Apr 09
I Didn't Realize I Took Too Many max69 Zolpidem 2018 Apr 09
Everything Was Pink Dkson96 DMT 2018 Apr 09
I Finally Felt Like I Had a Brain patcholi Methylphenidate 2018 Apr 09
The True World LilMiKeY Methylphenidate & Amphetamines 2018 Apr 09
Info !!! Methylphenidate 2018 Apr 09
I Think I Stuttered a Bit MidnightToker Dexmethylphenidate & Cannabis 2018 Apr 09
An Overview jolivi Methylphenidate 2018 Apr 09
Rit Fun for Awhile RitDude Methylphenidate & Amphetamines 2018 Apr 09
Chinese Hallucinogen... Johnny Deaf Heroin 2018 Apr 09
It Makes Me Very Aware of Noises someguy Heroin 2018 Apr 09
Like a Warm Blanket Was Wrapped Around Me DMH Heroin 2018 Apr 09
A Gentle Tide of White HMJROBOCOKE Heroin 2018 Apr 09
A Wild Trip Through the Sitter's Eyes Auseklis Salvia divinorum (40x extract) 2018 Apr 09
An Odd Test That Turned Out Beautiful ESLinch LSD & 2C-P 2018 Apr 09
Tripping Without Sitter Sucks Yni Salvia divinorum 2018 Apr 09

NOTE: There are 2 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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