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All reports with author name including 'e'
(21579 Total)

[2101 - 2200 of 21579]
Recommended Cradled By Time Derewsna Salvia Divinorum (extract - 5x) 2005 Jul 26
Recommended Remembering my Basic Iconography Philbert MacAdamia Hawaiian Baby Woodrose 2005 Jul 26
Recommended When SSRI's Need a Vacation Calmer Citalopram, Syrian Rue & Cannabis 2005 Jul 22
Recommended Complete Happiness; Eye-opening 1st Trip Steve R. 4-Ho-DiPT 2005 Jul 22
Recommended Mind Numbing Experience Lee Mushrooms 2005 Jul 21
Recommended My Beloved Partner Reene Caffeine (Pepsi) 2005 Jul 16
Recommended Spirituality in Chemicals and Electronic Music Miles LSD, Mushrooms & MDMA 2005 Jul 14
Recommended A Novel Euphoria enquirewithin bk-MBDB 2005 Jul 11
Recommended A Subtle Empathogen feign bk-MDEA 2005 Jul 11
Recommended Lasted Long FlowGnome Poppies - Opium (seed tea) 2005 Jul 07
Recommended A Catalyst of Emotional Connections metasyn 5-Meo-DIPT 2005 Jul 03
Recommended The Police Busted the Rapture AudyBee Mushrooms & MDMA (Ecstasy) 2005 Jul 03
Recommended Nitrous Oxide Revelations of God and Eternity Billy James Nitrous Oxide 2005 Jul 01
Recommended Uploading the Conciousness Worm Reality Pixie DMT, LSD, Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis 2005 Jun 29
Recommended Unification With The Ineffable God-Head Iopener Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Syrian Rue, Nitrous Oxide & Salvia divinorum 2005 Jun 28
Recommended Like I Expected, Though Very Different crackityjones Mushrooms 2005 Jun 28
Recommended End of Week Pick-me-up Spawnee Khat 2005 Jun 27
Recommended Weakening Towards Coma Phaser Diphenhydramine 2005 Jun 27
Recommended Pyramidal Energetic Exchange Len Tabernanthe iboga 2005 Jun 24
Recommended The Eternity of Heaven Or The Gates of Hell? Yourself LSD 2005 Jun 14
Recommended Relaxed High user Lagochilus inebrians & Cannabis 2005 Jun 10
Recommended Welcome to Hellraiser... Bluemeanie 2C-T-2 & Alcohol 2005 Jun 10
Recommended The Edge of God Raoul Duke LSD & DMT 2005 Jun 07
Recommended The S-Side of K Alex S-Ketamine 2005 Jun 04
Recommended Dipropyl Propulsion aphelion DPT 2005 Jun 03
Recommended A Gift from God Squirrel Methylone & Cannabis 2005 Jun 03
Recommended Dying and Meeting God Keta D Ketamine 2005 Jun 03
Recommended Our First Encounter methodman609 5-MeO-DMT 2005 Jun 01
Recommended UTTERLY Contrary to My Expectations! I aRe Amphetamines & Mushrooms - P. semilanceata 2005 May 20
Recommended Losing My Mind anticodrone 5-MeO-DMT 2005 May 16
Recommended Cosmic Joke Explorer Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2005 May 04
Recommended A Portal to Dreams Stahrgazer Nutmeg 2005 May 04
Recommended More Potential Than You Think johnicide Cannabis 2005 May 02
Recommended Mixed Reactions Newfish Nutmeg 2005 May 02
Recommended Wild Imagination and Dead Memory Blazed Tramadol & Cannabis 2005 Apr 26
Recommended A Cleansing Therapy Mother Nature's Son Salvia divinorum (fresh leaves) 2005 Apr 15
Recommended The Vernal Equinox Tumbleweed LSD, Cannabis & Alcohol 2005 Apr 15
Recommended Breaking Open the Head Matthew Ibogaine 2005 Apr 11
Recommended Second Chance Healed Methamphetamine 2005 Apr 11
Recommended Residual Anxiety Disorder Initiated by Trip Reynard the Fox LSD & Cannabis 2005 Apr 07
Recommended 2C-I Redux bedo 2C-I 2005 Apr 07
Recommended Acted Out of Character conkerlyfunkler 2C-I & Alcohol 2005 Apr 05
Recommended The Song of Heaven & Hell FlowGnome 2C-E & Nitrous Oxide 2005 Apr 04
Recommended Stops Anxiety and Depression stranger Kava 2005 Apr 01
Recommended Unexpected Softness eliogabalus Passionflower (P. Incarnata) & Yerba Mate 2005 Mar 30
Recommended Complete Control Dave Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) (with Lisinopril, Risperdal & Lamotrigine) 2005 Mar 29
Recommended THC Immunoassay Experiment sensei Cannabis Drug Testing 2005 Mar 29
Recommended Death Is to the Left Experimenter Salvia divinorum (leaf & 5x extract) 2005 Mar 29
Recommended Tripping Madness Brewgs Mushrooms 2005 Mar 25
Recommended Feeling Would Not Go Away Browserbot Nutmeg 2005 Mar 23
Recommended Medical Usage Steve Amphetamines (Adderall XR) 2005 Mar 23
Recommended Sounds Everywhere chew LSD 2005 Mar 10
Recommended Night Of Adderall, Ritalin, And Pot Bebop Amphetamines, Methylphenidate, & Cannabis 2005 Mar 08
Recommended Once Upon A Time I Was A Pawn Tumbleweed Salvia divinorum, Cannabis & Alcohol 2005 Mar 07
Recommended Otherworldly Vacation pharmofile Syrian Rue & DPT 2005 Feb 27
Recommended Fear and Loathing in Amsterdam Andy McPotsmoker Mushrooms ('Stropheria cubensis') & Cannabis 2005 Feb 26
Recommended From Our Western Heritage Crackhead840 Blue Lotus & Cannabis 2005 Feb 18
Recommended The Longest 'Night' Of My Life Penelope Pothead Methamphetamine & Cannabis 2005 Feb 10
Recommended Eight Years of Daily Use benzodiazaqueen Zolpidem 2005 Feb 09
Recommended Is This One Real? pharmofile 2C-E 2005 Feb 08
Recommended A Night of Terror Cheshire Diphenhydramine 2005 Feb 07
Recommended Infinity aeonaeonaeon Morning Glory 2005 Feb 07
Recommended Not Friendly aeonaeonaeon 2C-E 2005 Feb 07
Recommended Mind-Melt Blast Off Into the 9th Dimension Nieztsche Salvia divinorum (10X extract) & Cannabis 2005 Feb 05
Recommended The Golden Land, Adam in the Garden Netalius Mushrooms & Cannabis 2005 Feb 03
Recommended Set, Setting, Strain? bengt Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2005 Feb 02
Recommended The Tesseract trancemaster 4-Ho-DiPT, 5-MeO-DiPT & Diazepam 2005 Feb 02
Recommended Xtraordinary Xperience Jaime MDMA 2005 Feb 01
Recommended Quality of Experience is Dose-dependent Less may be more MDMA (Ecstasy) & Alcohol 2005 Feb 01
Recommended Inspiring and Decadent fractalesque Mushrooms 2005 Jan 28
Recommended Overall Pretty Impressive Weather Zolpidem 2005 Jan 26
Recommended Generating the Dream-Matrix in this Reality Booyea Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2005 Jan 26
Recommended Explorers in the Further Regions Wiccan_Seeker LSD 2005 Jan 19
Recommended Just Keep Breathing pharmofile 5-MeO-DMT 2005 Jan 17
Recommended Out of Body, In Control Tyler Salvia divinorum (10x extract), Cannabis & Alcohol 2005 Jan 14
Recommended Is This DMT or Something Else? shadowmancer Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & D. cabrerana) 2005 Jan 04
Recommended Be Careful How Much You Eat... The Patriot Mushrooms 2005 Jan 04
Recommended Feeling 'In the Body' Like Never Before Noviseer Cacti - T. pachanoi 2005 Jan 04
Recommended Lasting Enlightenment and Euphoria AlkalineTrio Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2004 Dec 31
Recommended Swimming with Bacteria and Beyond Evil smasher 5-HTP & LSD 2004 Dec 30
Recommended Just a Psychedelic Frothy Foam eric Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) 2004 Dec 28
Recommended A Man Eat A... Must Scare Ya dead man walking Amanita muscaria 2004 Dec 22
Recommended A Brave New World AstralTripper MDMA (Ecstasy) & Cannabis 2004 Dec 22
Recommended Alien God and Mushroom Prophecies 2 TrYPtaMinE Mushrooms - P. cubensis 2004 Dec 17
Recommended For an Instant I Thought He Might Be Real Gemini Windcrow Blue Lotus & Cannabis 2004 Dec 16
Recommended Talking With God Shrike Salvia divinorum (6x extract & tincture) 2004 Dec 15
Recommended Seeing God's Face Arcane MDMA (Ecstasy) 2004 Dec 10
Recommended Good Natural Aphrodesiac Stiffler Yohimbe & Paroxetine 2004 Dec 08
Recommended A Child Out of Body in a Realm for Adults reserected mind Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2004 Dec 07
Recommended Two Blue Perforations in Reality polymerslug Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis 2004 Dec 04
Recommended This Is Not Where I Want to Be Right Now Foolish Freshman Alcohol, Cannabis & Salvia divinorum (extract) 2004 Dec 03
Recommended Toes Dipped in the Water trendal LSD 2004 Dec 01
Recommended Centering Smoking Mixture Dr. Intense Damiana, Hops & Lobelia 2004 Nov 29
Recommended Euphoric Relaxation Bliss dgplexus Kava & Damiana 2004 Nov 24
Recommended Experienced Differences Between Rue and caapi health Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) or Huasca Brew (B. caapi & M. tenuiflora) 2004 Nov 23
Recommended Do Not Combine! MegRN Venlafaxine (Effexor) & Cannabis 2004 Nov 20
Recommended Trippin' Tree and the Hallucinations Cheeb LSD 2004 Nov 17
Recommended Heart Problems? Lerdob Modafinil (Modiodal) 2004 Nov 12
Recommended Geezers' Brotherhood Wiccan_Seeker MDMA (Ecstasy) 2004 Nov 11
Recommended My First Day of Spring Treefingers Methylone 2004 Nov 04

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NOTE: There are 1351 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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