Salvinorin Group (also Salvinorin-A, Salvinorin-B, and Salvinorin-containing plants) Reports - First Times
First Times
(823 Total)

[1 - 100 of 823]
Very Highly Recommended Goodbye Reality, Goodbye Universe Hubert Cumberdale Salvia divinorum 2011 Nov 26
Very Highly Recommended So We Enter the Aethyr Ashton R. Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2005 Nov 15
Highly Recommended The Fire in Plato's Cave sdavid Salvia divinorum 20X 2014 Feb 13
Highly Recommended The End Of All Existence Yikes Salvia divinorium 2012 Dec 23
Highly Recommended Flatland rvpigeon Salvia Divinorum 2011 Nov 26
Highly Recommended The Mind Blank Spell Memnoch Salvia divinorum (20x extract), Mushrooms & Alcohol 2009 Oct 24
Highly Recommended Careful Preparation, Unexpectedly Strong bladeofreality Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2009 Jul 24
Highly Recommended Why Sally? This is Madness! Gekin Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2009 May 27
Highly Recommended Told Me Everything I Can't Remember Salviafirsttry Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2007 Sep 08
Highly Recommended Welcome to Goodbye Mind MeanBastard Salvia divinorum (20x extract) 2007 Sep 08
Highly Recommended Insanity and Sinewy, Vibrating Meat Machines Myshkin Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2007 Aug 20
Highly Recommended This Is Real Free Spirit Salvia divinorum 2007 Jul 12
Highly Recommended Mind Shattering Andreas Salvia Divinorum 2007 Feb 09
Highly Recommended Sideways World Antheia Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2007 Feb 02
Highly Recommended The Maiden Discovers Hedonism Psychotria Salvia divinorum 2005 Jun 22
Highly Recommended The Dessert of the Real Zonker Salvia divinorum 2005 Jun 14
Highly Recommended Tearing Away the Surface of Reality roadhouse Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2005 May 09
Highly Recommended Teachings on the Nature of Reality Duskin Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2003 Apr 02
Highly Recommended Through the Rent and Into the Void TheSeeker Salvia divinorum (15x extract) 2002 Apr 11
Highly Recommended Mind Mirroring Astralist Salvia divinorum 2002 Jan 14
Highly Recommended I´ll Come Along When I´m Ready rhizome Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2001 Nov 15
Highly Recommended A Breakthrough into the Raging Space of History Navi Salvia divinorum 2000 Jun 26
Recommended A New Identity Auz Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2023 Feb 17
Recommended An Amazing Experience MDaniels Salvia divinorum (35x extract) 2022 Nov 17
Recommended Trip in the Woods Erik Salvia divinorum (20x extract) 2022 Oct 11
Recommended Just a Piece to the Whole SF Splizza Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2021 Dec 13
Recommended On the Cusp of Something TheGardener Salvia divinorum 2021 Oct 01
Recommended Not for Me, Thank-You The Reverend Nemu Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2020 Nov 21
Recommended The Brightest Star KC Salvia divinorum (10X Extract) 2020 Aug 09
Recommended Novice Notes SwBk Salvia divinorum 2020 Jan 30
Recommended Don't Tease Him...This Is Real MiddleAger Salvia divinorum (40x extract) 2019 May 12
Recommended A Visit to the Basement of My Mind Rational Exuberance Salvia Divinorum 2017 Jul 11
Recommended A Plant World Unlike What I Expected Miranda Salvia divinorum (extract) 2016 Apr 20
Recommended Not at All What I Expected, at First db2776 Salvia divinorum 2015 Dec 11
Recommended Returning From Another Dimension M Salvia divinorum 2013 Dec 22
Recommended Fucked Society Erik P Salvia divinorum 2013 Sep 30
Recommended Interdimensional Travel & The Others Antipop Salvia divinorum (80x Extract) 2013 Apr 22
Recommended A New Perspective on Paisley and Pea-Pods Sentia Salvia divinorum 2013 Apr 14
Recommended A Visit With My Transcendental Other spacegarbage Salvia divinorum 2013 Feb 02
Recommended Ripped Apart Alex Salvia Divinorum 2013 Jan 05
Recommended Finding Meaning Through Meaninglessness Seeker of Truths Salvia divinorum (15x extract) 2012 May 16
Recommended Powerful and Profound MysticalMichele Salvia divinorum (Tincture & 15x extract) 2012 Apr 22
Recommended Five Trips with One Hit M.T.O. Salvia divinorum (20x extract) 2012 Apr 06
Recommended Filled with God, Visited by Spirits Zissou Salvia divinorum 2011 Aug 06
Recommended Literally Floored Deviant Salvia divinorum (6x extract) 2010 Dec 19
Recommended Quarks of Death (Pins & Needles) Esoteric Salvia divinorum (20x extract) 2010 Oct 07
Recommended Geometric Insanity TheGust Salvia divinorum (level 3 extract) 2010 Sep 12
Recommended Sun God Lownotes Salvia divinorum (25x extract) 2010 Sep 12
Recommended The Old Man in the Shoe Steve J Salvia Divinorum (Salvia) 2010 Apr 22
Recommended Cartoon Hell janedont Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2010 Mar 20
Recommended Truth, Reality, and Alterate Lives Fuctniraq Salvia divinorum (20x extract) 2010 Feb 27
Recommended Analysis of Consciousness Changes Digger Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2009 Oct 27
Recommended A Trip Through a Nightmare Chris Salvia divinorum (15x extract) 2009 Oct 27
Recommended The Godess Talame O.J.G Salvia divinorum (20x) 2009 Aug 02
Recommended Lost and Found Frodo Salvia divinorum (40x extract) 2009 Jul 19
Recommended Amazing Clarity Matt Salvia divinorum (20x extract) 2009 Jun 12
Recommended A Catalyst Kaiserschmarren Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2009 Feb 06
Recommended Thought Motion Austen Brauker Salvia divinorum (leaves) 2009 Jan 09
Recommended All That Is Silliamii Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2008 Aug 07
Recommended The Mind Blank Spell Chuck Salvia divinorum (80x extract), Alcohol & Mushrooms 2008 Jun 27
Recommended Exhilaration Dave Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2008 May 12
Recommended Backwards Into Oblivion SoaV Salvia divinorum (20x extract) 2008 Apr 07
Recommended Many, Many Lives Turning Salvia Divinorum (20x Extract) 2008 Mar 17
Recommended Climbing the Stairs of the Horizontal Dimension Mahalaleel Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2008 Feb 27
Recommended Purpose GelHeadHobo Salvia divinorum (extract) 2008 Jan 29
Recommended Radical Psychedelic Moonshadow Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2008 Jan 03
Recommended Funeral for a Wooden Effigy of Jack Nicholson Shpongle Salvia divinorum (40x extract) 2007 Dec 20
Recommended A Psychotic Bipolar Person's Experience Tom Salvia divinorum (10x extract), Lithium, Quetiapine (Seroquel) & Lamotrigine (Lamictal) 2007 Dec 11
Recommended The Madness of Salvia Domestic Adventurer Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2007 Nov 28
Recommended Drag It Mud Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2007 Nov 06
Recommended The Night I Met Sally NeuronFirestorm Salvia divinorum (24x extract) & Cannabis 2007 Nov 03
Recommended Powerful and Deeply Weird Brown Rainbows Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2007 Sep 11
Recommended Speaking Bamboo Being Bamboo Pharmakeia Salvia divinorum (5x extract) 2007 Aug 31
Recommended The Divine Paradox Coosawatee Salvia divinorum (extract) 2007 Jul 20
Recommended The Reality Factory MediaMan Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2007 Jun 11
Recommended Bludgeoned Stev0 Salvia divinorum (13x extract) 2007 Jun 03
Recommended Shaman Medicine Seeker Salvia divinorum 2007 May 02
Recommended My Return from the Abyss Devin Salvia divinorum (20X Extract) 2007 May 02
Recommended The Reality Generators Malfunctioned Neuman Salvia divinorum (leaves & extract) 2007 Apr 25
Recommended I Didn't Know Which Universe Was Mine Enter Salvia divinorum (leaves & extract) & Cannabis 2007 Apr 25
Recommended A Slice of Reality Kick Johnson Salvia divinorum 2007 Apr 17
Recommended Lives Remembered John Doe Salvia divinorum (tincture) 2007 Apr 16
Recommended Pure. Desolate. Terror. Very Silly Boy! Salvia divinorum 2007 Apr 09
Recommended My Life as a Twist Tie Sonya Salvia divinorum (20x extract) 2007 Apr 03
Recommended Stripped of All Humanity Matt Salvia divinorum (20x extract) 2007 Mar 31
Recommended Teachings in the Afterlife Burnsy Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2007 Mar 12
Recommended Grilled Cheese AircraftGlue Salvia divinorum (10x - extract) 2007 Feb 13
Recommended Taken to the Oceanic Surface of the Essence Bobo Sprinkles Salvia divinorum 2006 Dec 31
Recommended Release the Prisoner; Your Mind. Salviating Happiness Salvia divinorum 2006 Dec 26
Recommended Boating in an Inverted Planet Visual Agnosia Salvia divinorum (15x extract) 2006 Nov 09
Recommended Two-Tone, Pixelated 2-D Reality Superseed Salvia divinorum (10x extract) 2006 Oct 21
Recommended Shifting Sands Prototype-2 Salvia divinorum 2006 Oct 19
Recommended The Divinorum Papers Jason G Salvia divinorum (15x extract) 2006 Aug 28
Recommended The Administrators In Another Realm Jimmy Salvia divinorum (extract) 2006 Jul 11
Recommended Voices Cambioni Salvia divinorum 2006 Apr 18
Recommended Staring at the Divine Darkheartatom Salvia divinorum (25x extract) 2006 Apr 11
Recommended The Mistress of Mexican Space Crack uchujin Salvia divinorum 2006 Mar 07
Recommended Baseline Erased and Replaced Elliot Salvia divinorum 2005 Nov 07
Recommended The Most Ridiculous 6 Minutes of My Life Greg'sCortex Salvia divinorum 2005 Oct 11
Recommended Not As Much As I Thought Anonymous Salvia divinorum 2005 Sep 28

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NOTE: There are 7 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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