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All reports with author name including '_I_'
(15606 Total)

[12601 - 12700 of 15606]
A Different View Funky Junkie PCP 2008 Jan 25
Bordering on the Brink of Pure Beauty David AMT, Cannabis & Nitrous Oxide 2008 Jan 25
Still Can't Sleep DJ Devin AMT 2008 Jan 21
Streams of Color and Haze Half-Pipe Pregabalin (Lyrica) 2008 Jan 19
A to Z, Smiling Inside and Out Undo-it Methylone 2008 Jan 16
Harshly Twisted Kimbo 2C-I 2008 Jan 15
Welcome to the Party Delphizealot 2C-I 2008 Jan 15
I Could Swim Forever Jimbo Calamus 2008 Jan 13
One Step Further Albino Alcohol 2008 Jan 13
I Am Done TerribleStuff Tramadol 2008 Jan 13
Baking Soda Method SpinePAIN E101 Fentanyl 2008 Jan 13
Pleasant Buzzing CannabisKid Alcohol & Tobacco - Cigarettes 2008 Jan 12
Cradled in My Mother's Arms timothy Alcohol (Hard) 2008 Jan 11
Staying in the Moment and Remembering peas of mind Mushrooms 2008 Jan 11
A Wonderful Night Mailboxghost Morphine 2008 Jan 10
Nice Time Chewing El Duderino Catha edulis 2008 Jan 09
Mellow Mix Victoria Cannabis, Melatonin, Herbal Mix (Tea, Catnip & Nutmeg) 2008 Jan 06
Suprisingly Nice Ginman Gabapentin (Neurotin), Alcohol (Gin) & Coffee 2008 Jan 05
China White Mercy China White Girl Fentanyl 2008 Jan 05
Love Tea Timothy DXM & Cannabis 2008 Jan 04
Something More Dumb kid DXM 2008 Jan 04
Never The Same Begbie79 DXM 2008 Jan 04
Blue Trash Knoflicted Blue Lotus 2008 Jan 03
Cleared My Sinuses, Lost My Mind Msrymachine Diphenhydramine 2008 Jan 03
My Feet Had Weights Attached to Them Jizzle Quentiapine, Cocaine, Alcohol & Cannabis 2008 Jan 03
Mom's Soup Chris007 LSD 2008 Jan 02
Tolerance Nicole Clonazepam 2008 Jan 01
Intense OTC Combination Dex Junkie DXM, Dimenhydrinate & Caffeine 2007 Dec 31
Numbed My Mouth Synthetic8 Leonotis leonurus (Wild Dagga) 2007 Dec 27
Can't Get a Buzz Leonotis leonurus Leonotis leonurus (Wild Dagga) 2007 Dec 27
Squash Aftertaste Naien Sceletium tortuosum & Cannabis 2007 Dec 27
Calm Zombie Serialnumber2012 Cylcobenzaprint (Flexeril), Alprazolam (Xanax) & Energy Drink (Caffiene, Ginko biloba, Ginseng, Guarana & Taurine) 2007 Dec 27
Experimenting Gibbo Nutmeg 2007 Dec 26
Brain Off, Body On Lurid Hope Kola Nut 2007 Dec 20
Bula Bula Sir Heronton Kava 2007 Dec 20
Morning After Trip Letting_Go DXM 2007 Dec 19
A Trip to the ER Mitch DXM with CPM 2007 Dec 19
South Park Nuts Whosit DXM 2007 Dec 19
Very Unenergetic PsycheDevil DXM & Buproprion (Wellbutrin) 2007 Dec 19
Gelatin CokeShots DeKrim Cocaine & Alcohol - Hard 2007 Dec 19
Coming Down Kraine Venlafaxine 2007 Dec 18
My Time with the Seeds The Novice H. B. Woodrose 2007 Dec 18
Strange Planet Fore2gnosis MDMA (Ecstasy) & DXM 2007 Dec 17
Trapped in a Void of Depression Anarchist Venlafaxine (Effexor) & Alcohol 2007 Dec 16
Absolutely Nothing Ultiman DXM 2007 Dec 12
Destoryed My Face Mikado155 DXM 2007 Dec 12
Triggering Opioid Screen StigmaShadow DXM & Drug Testing 2007 Dec 10
Nothing Psychedelic About This Mike Amanita muscaria 2007 Dec 09
We Were Told To Watch Our Limits BurriedAlive Alcohol - Hard 2007 Dec 05
Know your Limit... Stupid metal head Alcohol 2007 Dec 05
Medication-Inhibited Trip Skip Mushrooms, SSRIs (Bupropion & Paroxetine), Clonazepam & Cannabis 2007 Dec 05
Vasoconstriction Reversed Liquid Gold Inhalants - Nitrites & Methylphenidate 2007 Dec 02
I Lost Touch with Reality Calvin Datura 2007 Dec 01
Jittery Borderline Cruise Penguins 3rd Leg Coleus 2007 Nov 30
Flaming Lips Are On Fire! Twizzler LSD 2007 Nov 28
I Was a Rebel Cookie Methamphetamine 2007 Nov 28
Motion Sickness psycho-active-ist Dimenhydrinate 2007 Nov 26
No Trip with Subutex Craig M LSD & Buprenorphine 2007 Nov 20
Addicted to Benadryl Insomniac420 Diphenhydramine 2007 Nov 19
Doesn't Have Numbing Effects nobodysgirl Buproprion 2007 Nov 19
No Fear and No Loathing gonzowizard Alprazolam & Salvia divinorum 2007 Nov 19
Potential for Some Real Problems Ambient Zolpidem 2007 Nov 19
Terror, Detox, Withdrawal hiv Methamphetamine 2007 Nov 06
Throbbing Headache Velouria Dimenhydrinate 2007 Nov 06
Suprisingly Strong markasstrick Methadone 2007 Nov 06
I Took Way Too Much Little J DXM 2007 Nov 06
Shootin' Bees Follow-Up Thrip MDMA, LSD & 2C-B 2007 Nov 05
Mushroom Hunting Surprise David Psychoactive Amanita spp. 2007 Nov 01
It Works but I Don't Use It G Diddly Ginko biloba 2007 Nov 01
The Best Opiate Samhain J Oxymorphone (Opana) 2007 Oct 10
Making Blotter SalviaJay Salvia divinorum (blotter) 2007 Oct 08
Numb and Tired Mr. Silent Cloves 2007 Sep 22
Hypothyroid Paravis DXM & Lexapro 2007 Sep 22
Farewell to Feeling Angelica Seraphina DXM with CPM 2007 Sep 22
Pleasant, Chill, Almost Aglow Riemann Zeta DXM 2007 Sep 22
Dream Enhancer CA earth child Damiana 2007 Sep 20
Rathgiver Necrotting DXM 2007 Sep 19
Lingering Aftereffects Call me Ishmael DXM 2007 Sep 18
I Think I Almost Died... Evil Pookie Mushrooms 2007 Sep 10
Didn't Change a Thing Entheobotanist Fluoxetine (Prozac), Olanzapine (Zyprexa) & Mushrooms 2007 Aug 29
Mood Swings and a Short Trip Craziness Fluoxentine (Prozac) & Mushrooms 2007 Aug 29
Withdrawal from Hell Sonic Pregabalin 2007 Aug 29
A New Euphoria DayTripper Pregabalin 2007 Aug 29
Side Effects Diggoy Venn Hydergeine & Nitrous Oxide 2007 Aug 24
Anticipating Greatness Wisdom Kratom 2007 Aug 24
Seeds On A Full Tummy Mr.Interested Datura 2007 Aug 16
I Will Never Know TrIPPY GHB 2007 Aug 09
Fight or Fuck First time GHB, Cannabis & Alcohol 2007 Aug 09
Woke Up Tripping Vespertilia H.B. Woodrose Seeds 2007 Jul 27
We Have Tried Everything Melissa and MIke Mushrooms & Headaches 2007 Jul 23
I Was so Alone Blue Tips Mushrooms & Cannabis 2007 Jul 23
Hot Energy Ololiuqui Turbina corymbosa 2007 Jul 23
Intoxication Alkaloidaholic Sophora Secundiflora 2007 Jul 19
20 Hours of Good Turned Horrible CwUeReSzIeVrE LSD & Mushrooms 2007 Jul 11
Black Puke and a False Positive Archibald DXM, Diphenhydramine & Drug Testing 2007 Jun 29
I Believed My Cat Wanted to Humiliate Me addict Methamphetamine & Cannabis 2007 Jun 27
Everything is Spotted in Black duster addict Inhalants (Computer Duster) & DXM 2007 Jun 27
The Agony of Withdrawal Firebird GHB 2007 Jun 27
Useless for Alcohol Withdrawal Kalija Gabapentin (Neurontin) 2007 Jun 27
Hell Broke Loose BJ and the Ninja Tramadol (Ultram) 2007 Jun 26

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NOTE: There are 1040 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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