1P-LSD (also 1-propionyl-lysergic acid diethylamide) Reports - Combinations
(52 Total)

New Highly Recommended Cosmic Consciousness Orgasm Fractal Cloud 1P-LSD & Cannabis (Hash) 2024 Sep 24
Highly Recommended The Sundering of the Veil Brother23 MDMA & 1P-LSD 2015 Oct 07
Recommended From the Ashes Seppo 1P-LSD, 2C-B-Fly & MDMA 2018 Feb 24
Recommended Tripp on the Hill McIntire Rae MDMA, 1P-LSD & LSD 2016 Jul 22
Recommended The Peppermint Fiasco poppin 1P-LSD, Amyl Nitrate & Cannabis 2016 Jan 26
Recommended Pure Bliss Anonymous 1P-LSD & 4-HO-MET (with Piracetam, l-Theanine & Cannabis) 2015 May 02
Understanding MAL Fleming Methallylescaline & Various 2023 Jan 19
The Hell Experience and Introduction to Spirit Psychonaughty 1P-LSD & Nitrous Oxide 2022 Sep 29
The Universe/God Realizes It Is Dreaming Pablo 1P-LSD, Ketamine & Nitrous Oxide 2020 Mar 11
The Psychedelic Perspective PaSta 1P-LSD 2019 Dec 06
Two Psychoses in One Student of Life Diphenidine & 1P-LSD 2018 Oct 11
The Best Trip I Never Want To Have Again introspectivemelon 1P-LSD 2018 Oct 09
Introspection and Relaxation MrPitt 1P-LSD, 3-MeO-PCP & Antibiotics 2016 Feb 12
Snow White Trip Mittens 1P-LSD & Cocaine 2015 Aug 24
New Paranoid Candy Flip At0micFury 5-MAPB & 1P-LSD 2024 Sep 30
Out of the Grid BoredAstronaut 1P-LSD & Cannabis 2021 May 04
Lost in a Sea of Ten Thousand Puppets Trulie Humbled 1P-LSD, MDMA & 4-AcO-DMT 2020 Oct 13
Trinity Flip Cubensix 1P-LSD, 2C-I, 4-HO-MET & MDA 2020 Sep 17
A Little Too Smooth Zeb Jones 1P-LSD & Sulbutiamine 2020 Jun 30
Mystical and Fascinating Journey doctorstrauss 1P-LSD & 1cP-LSD 2020 Mar 31
Accidental Salvia and Walking the Planck Doubledoon 1P-LSD, Salvia divinorum & Cannabis 2019 Apr 28
Alleviated Pretty Much Every Negative Effect Papa Dave LSD, MDMA & GHB 2019 Jan 02
A Walk Thought the Forest The Wanderer 1P-LSD & Clonazepam 2018 Nov 02
Altered Realities Kyle 1P-LSD 2018 Feb 24
Complete Sensory Overload rakej AL-LAD & 1P-LSD 2017 Nov 22
The Effects of the Combination xRFA 1P-LSD & Alcohol 2017 Aug 12
Feels Like Electrocution Tayne 1P-LSD & Inhalant 2017 Apr 25
All Possible Futures Psychedelic Stallion 2C-B, LSD & Ketamine 2016 Oct 22
Ferris Buellers Day Out RR 1P-LSD, ALD-52, Modafinil & Sleep Deprivation 2016 Oct 11
Tri-Colored Madness Andigo ETH-LAD, 1P-LSD & ALD-52 2016 Sep 14
Hitting the Reset Button Chris 1P-LSD, Codeine, CBD & Cannabis 2016 Aug 01
A Dangerous Cocktail Lyserga 1P-LSD, Flubromazolam & Wine 2016 May 26
20-Hour Mind Bender Stones 1P-LSD 2016 Mar 16
AL-LAD Art and Shpongle MrMoran AL-LAD & 1P-LSD 2016 Jan 24
Increases Effects UndercoverPunk 3F-Phenmetrazine & 1P-LSD 2016 Jan 07
Orgasmic Euphoria Submerged in Color InTPatrick Ephenidine & 1P-LSD 2015 Aug 21
Out on a Limb bts 1P-LSD 2022 Oct 19
Heaven and Hell, a Dance Between Worlds Blicerow 1P-LSD & DPT 2020 Mar 25
Black Out JT 1P-LSD & Escitalopram 2018 Sep 01
The Perfect Storm JohnnyC 1P-LSD & Cannabis 2018 Aug 08
I Fell Asleep Muttoncruel 1P-LSD & Dreaming 2018 Jul 27
Rearrangement Oniat 1P-LSD 2018 Feb 01
The Trip to New Dimentions grizzlybear 1P-LSD, AL-LAD & Cannabis 2016 Oct 14
The Happy Tabs call_me_kiwi 1P-LSD 2015 Apr 29
The Summer of Love jason c. 1P-LSD, Mushrooms, Cannabis, Alcohol & Cocaine 2022 Dec 06
Strange and Comforting Reefer 1P-LSD & DMT 2021 Sep 09
Impulsive Trip anon Etizolam & 1P-LSD 2021 Apr 20
Anomalous Materials Doctor Freeman 1P-LSD, Cannabis & Kratom 2020 Feb 27
A Diffrent Look, Diffrent Reality Himer 1P-LSD & Cannabis 2018 May 11
Bonfire Ascension Julian 4-AcO-DMT, 1P-LSD, LSD & Etizolam 2018 May 01
The Most Vivid Hallucinogenic State Ever Chaddabad 1P-LSD, Mushrooms & 4-AcO-DMT 2016 Jun 19
Fear and Loathing in Death Trip JB-MindKnownResearch a-PVP & 1P-LSD 2015 Nov 22

NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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