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Reports from Sep 12 2018 - Sep 12 2018
All Reports
(43 Total)

The Worst Experience Imaginable Anonymous LSD & Cannabis 2018 Sep 12
Way Too Much for Me Zumi Mimosa tenuiflora (extract) & Cannabis 2018 Sep 12
Cosmic Soup Darren LSD 2018 Sep 12
Modest Experiment With Tea jetgirl Poppies - Opium 2018 Sep 12
Thorax Focal Point MIP LSD 2018 Sep 12
Woke Up Feeling Very Foggy PYSpercentdUcK Nabilone 2018 Sep 12
Like Taking Too Much Caffeine BN chew Betel Nut & Tobacco 2018 Sep 12
A Needle and a Hurricane r007ph07oN LSD 2018 Sep 12
No Effect or Poor Prep Method Daltont Cacti - T. pachanoi 2018 Sep 12
Not Nearly as Powerful as Expected That One Kid Alcohol - Hard 2018 Sep 12
Tea Bag Quid Orange Tree Coca 2018 Sep 12
Anti-Depressant Spice Newexplorer Salvia officinalis & Meditation 2018 Sep 12
Dreams or Reality tommy Calea zacatechichi 2018 Sep 12
Mindbending Sex With the Universe hokksund LSD & 2-CB 2018 Sep 12
Microdose: Consciousness and Freedom elysiangreen DMT & Beer 2018 Sep 12
An Interesting Depressent centuri Inhalants (Chloroethane) 2018 Sep 12
Mixed Results with Hangovers Tom MDMA & Alcohol 2018 Sep 12
Lemon Bomb Fitzy Lemon Balm & Nicotine 2018 Sep 12
Multi Attempts at Failure Governor Amanitas & Cannabis 2018 Sep 12
Keep Passing Out Every Time I Exhale always high guy Kava 2018 Sep 12
Comedown the Next Day and Monday Newbie MDMA 2018 Sep 12
I Was Not at All Nervous With the Cops Smadan W. MDMA 2018 Sep 12
Probably the Best 4 Months of My Life scallywag MDMA (Ecstasy) 2018 Sep 12
A Waking Life Moment Matt Lucid Dream 2018 Sep 12
Effect on Mental Disorder Anonymouse Cannabis 2018 Sep 12
I Don't Know What Happened iiii Cannabis 2018 Sep 12
Church of All Races Boletusbaron Cacti - T. peruvianus 2018 Sep 12
Like Bugs Are Crawling Across My Skin Anthracene Nitrous Oxide 2018 Sep 12
Damn I Love Rolling alyDGAF MDMA 2018 Sep 12
Dabbling for About a Year Pharmacist Inhalants - Gasoline 2018 Sep 12
Has Changed My Life drugie101 MDMA 2018 Sep 12
Such a Slight Feeling Alt-Trier Leonotis nepetaefolia 2018 Sep 12
It Was Great While It Lasted, Lost the Magic PF MDMA or Bad/Suspect Ecstasy 2018 Sep 12
Cardiotoxic or Not - Stay Away John U Yohimbe 2018 Sep 12
Very Effective BV75 Lactuca - L. virosa 2018 Sep 12
Not a Magic Pill Stiengumer Atomoxetine 2018 Sep 12
Best Relaxation Herb herblife Mugwort 2018 Sep 12
Interesting but Not at All 'Heavy' salvopsychonaut Leonotis leonurus 2018 Sep 12
I Realize I Was Taking Too Much Overflow MDMA (Ecstasy) 2018 Sep 12
Shame Its Illegal KJI Coca 2018 Sep 12
Assuming These Are All After Effects Ausika MDMA 2018 Sep 12
Fear Paul Opioids 2018 Sep 12
35 Minutes Into a Cup SHOSHO Mugwort 2018 Sep 12

NOTE: There are 20 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

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Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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