Ketamine (also Ketalar; Ketaset; Special K; K) Reports - Retrospective / Summary
Retrospective / Summary
(88 Total)

Highly Recommended A Decade Plus Love Affair Vastness Ketamine 2019 Sep 12
Highly Recommended Navigating Through K-Space Lungfish Ketamine 2004 Sep 10
Highly Recommended K Confessions Legofeel Ketamine 2000 Aug 10
Recommended Relief Physically and Existentially ButtCuddler96 Ketamine 2019 Dec 10
Recommended Different Facets of Sensory Deprivation Anatoli Smorin Floatation Tanks & Various 2019 Jan 20
Recommended Seeing Where I Was Through a K-hole Z Ketamine 2010 Nov 01
Recommended Semi-Conscious Dreaming KJ Ketamine 2006 Jun 02
Recommended The S-Side of K Alex S-Ketamine 2005 Jun 04
Recommended 2 Reports, Many Thumbs up bevz 2C-T-21, Ketamine, & Nitrous Oxide 2004 Jan 05
Recommended Face to Face With My Soul Alanster Monster Ketamine 2002 Jul 14
To the Nth Dimension and Back specialkguy Ketamine 2021 Mar 31
Using the Metabelief Operator GodAsSpace Ketamine 2019 Feb 21
Intensive Self-Analysis harryanslinger92 Ketamine & Cannabis 2018 Apr 14
How to Have a Perfect K-Hole Trig Ketamine 2018 Apr 11
Slightly More Energizing and Agitating KetamineQueen S-Ketamine 2017 Aug 15
A Retrospective of Addiction Radium MDMA, Ketamine, Methoxetamine & Etizolam 2014 Nov 14
Six Months of Daily Use undone Ketamine 2011 Feb 13
A Collection & Summary of Experiences Mu! Methylone 2010 Oct 07
Ketamine revalations The X cops Ketamine 2005 Nov 13
Breaking New Barriers alexis-fi Ketamine 2004 Jan 09
Impression and Random Notes Morninggloryseed 2C-B, MDMA, & Ketamine 2003 Jun 17
Overview Renwick Ketamine 2002 Dec 14
Ketafiend Ali K Ketamine 2002 Jul 02
It Made Me Sane Again August U. Toad Venom and Ketamine 2023 Sep 30
Meth Is No Joke whoami Methamphetamine 2022 Oct 18
The VOID / Black-Hole WeAreGod Ketamine 2022 Sep 30
Reset to the Bottom of Purgatory Erithen Ketamine 2022 May 21
Not Particularly Special-K Fleming Ketamine 2022 May 17
Magical Depression Annihilator Miski Ketamine & Pharmaceuticals 2022 Jan 09
Maximizing Benefits Jahchilren Ketamine 2020 Sep 21
Treatment For Bipolar Type One KeepOnTrying Ketamine, DXM & Pharmaceuticals 2020 Apr 15
Delusions Brought on by Repeated Use sombreroleone Ketamine 2019 Mar 27
Tonight Is the Last Time I Do It Evil E Ketamine & Alcohol 2018 Dec 19
The Spiral Down anonymous Ketamine 2018 Jul 22
Connecting the Dots Cosmonawt17 Ketamine 2018 May 19
My Two Weeks Permameth Ketamine 2018 Feb 27
No State to Be Seen In Tom Ketamine 2018 Feb 24
Three Separate Building Journeys of 2017 Jelly Breathwork, Ketamine, LSD & Mushrooms 2018 Feb 21
Why Did We Do This? psychonaught Ketamine 2018 Feb 19
Discovering a Quick Trip James L. Ketamine 2017 Nov 12
The Hole Where No-One Went kognition Ketamine 2017 Oct 13
The Ocean of Thought LSDriven Ketamine 2017 Sep 04
An Insidious Drug toomuchkittyinmymind Ketamine 2016 Jul 21
The Night I Ran Around Everywhere A Demon AMT, Mephedrone, Ketamine & MDMA 2014 Feb 03
The Wonders and Evils of Kayaking Mx Dg Ld Ketamine 2007 Apr 23
Into the Hallways of Perception Cycle of destruction Ketamine 2007 Apr 11
Unlike Anything Else starlaMae Ketamine 2004 Feb 05
Lifelong Dissociative Freak Persistent PCP, Ketamine & DXM 2003 Jul 16
Smokin' Kitty Catnap ketamine 2002 May 19
Shadow of My Former Self Biscuits Ketamine 2002 Feb 19
The Workings Of Reality, Time And Space Psychedelic Sunshine Ketamine 2001 Dec 22
Ketamine Notes A-train Ketamine 2000 Nov 02
Damage by Disociatives Moonfaerie3 DXM & Ketamine 2000 Aug 04
A Trend of Bad Trips Abe Cubbage Ketamine 2000 Jun 20
Different Forms of Ketamine J.L. Ketamine 2000 Jun 19
My K-Hole Experiences jenn0CIDE Ketamine 2000 Jun 10
New Treatments Every Seven Days for CRPS Stacie Ketamine (IV) 2024 Sep 26
Total Addiction Loren Ketamine & Various 2019 Dec 03
A Powerful Depression Treatment DepressedLoser123 Ketamine 2019 May 27
Still Never Lets Me Down Az Ketamine 2019 May 14
Able to Convert Humans to Vegetables... Udiniii Ketamine 2018 Dec 27
Flying Through Time and Space waj1506 S-Ketamine 2018 May 10
First Impressions lost in smoke Ketamine 2018 Apr 13
Will THEY Ever Let Me Stay? orangewedge Ketamine 2018 Feb 19
Summary of Hundreds of Injections friend Ketamine 2018 Feb 19
Dream Waves trappist-1 Ketamine 2017 Sep 14
Loss of Self urbanshaman Ketamine 2017 Aug 04
Over a Three-Day Period DTR Methoxetamine, 4-FMA, Ketamine & Kratom 2017 Apr 22
My Dis-associations w/ the Other You gonzo Ketamine & Mushrooms 2002 Nov 08
Bad Trip in the K-hole 34th Captain Ketamine 2002 Aug 12
Ketamine in Retrospect Jimmy Ivory Ketamine 2002 Jan 03
Experiencing My Soul Tabular Ketamine 2020 Mar 07
Underrated and Misunderstood Substance Deft Ketamine 2019 Dec 28
Why Is There Something, Instead of Nothing? Bowdean M Ketamine 2018 Dec 27
I Did It a Lot mat467 Ketamine 2018 Dec 27
Addictive Mentally Not Physically Max W LSD & Ketamine 2018 Dec 27
Chronic Use notforyou Ketamine & Pharmaceuticals 2018 Oct 23
Be Aware. Not Beware... problemaftermath Ketamine 2018 Apr 16
The Wall: A Space Oddessey Riley Ketamine 2018 Mar 22
Back From the Ride. sam smith Ketamine 2018 Mar 17
I Am Unable to Stand Up, Talk, or Anything Artus Ketamine 2018 Mar 15
Becoming Part Of A Film sKott Ketamine 2018 Mar 15
A Feeling of 'Jelly-Ness' Free Radical Ketamine & Cocaine 2018 Feb 23
Merging With God and the Universe Ketlvr42 Ketamine 2018 Feb 22
Enter The Matrix - S-Isomer A Ketamine 2017 Aug 30
Konnecting the Dots k-man DXM & Ketamine 2017 Aug 29
Visions of Us Perfectly Happy confused:( Ketamine 2016 Apr 12
Diary of a K-Head Akaa Ra Ketamine 2000 Oct 22

NOTE: There are 6 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
"Cellar" reports contain important or useful pieces of information but otherwise fall below the minimum readability or reliability standards expected of published reports (or have significant other problems identified by the Erowid crew).

COPYRIGHTS: All reports copyright Erowid.
TERMS OF USE: By accessing this page, you agree not to download, analyze, distill, reuse, digest, or feed into any AI-type system the report data without first contacting Erowid Center and receiving written permission.

Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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