Kratom (also Mitragyna speciosa) Reports - Retrospective / Summary
Retrospective / Summary
(159 Total)

[1 - 100 of 159]
Very Highly Recommended Anything Goes – Dealer’s Choice, and I’m the Dealer Anatoli Smorin 2-Fluoromethamphetamine, Amphetamines, Coffee, Kratom, Methylphenidate, 3-Fluoroamphetamine & LSD 2021 Aug 05
Highly Recommended Eight Months of Regimented Substance Use Anatoli Smorin LSD, Coffee, 4-Fluoromethylphenidate, Kratom, 2-Fluoromethamphetamine & Amphetamines (Adderall) 2021 Aug 05
Highly Recommended Putting More Hours in the Workday Anatoli Smorin Kratom 2021 Aug 05
Highly Recommended Detox in Three Stages Transmigraine Methadone, Kratom & Ibogaine 2010 Aug 18
Highly Recommended A Medicinal and Recreational Ally Hypersphere Kratom 2010 Feb 08
Recommended Strapped to the Bed and Given IV Benzos Nikoled Naltrexone & Kratom 2022 Apr 03
Recommended I Was Taking It Just to Feel Normal Plurp Kratom 2018 Jun 07
Recommended Worthwhile After All vostochnik Kratom 2018 Feb 25
Recommended How I Quit Davion Kratom 2018 Feb 22
Recommended In Praise of Kratom Leaf Fer Kratom 2016 Jan 20
Recommended Helped Change My Life He-man Kratom 2015 Oct 15
Recommended Varying Effects by Dose Moderation Is Key Laz Kratom 2015 Aug 07
Recommended An Unexpected Love Affair Yolk Kratom 2014 Jan 23
Recommended Kratom Shooters Mishkin Kratom 2011 Jan 09
Recommended Finally Free Entropy Heroin, Opioids (Oxycodone, Methadone, Suboxone) & Kratom 2010 Nov 26
Recommended Diamond in the Rough Soma Psychosis Kratom 2007 Dec 12
Recommended The Traditional Way turnpike Kratom 2007 Aug 09
Recommended Easy and Consistent Jonas Kratom 2007 Jun 06
From Shambles to Sanity Scleris M. Kratom 2022 Aug 07
The Green Inferno uviol Kratom 2020 Sep 17
Strong Sense of Emotional Motivation Yearning Student Kratom 2019 May 19
Subtle But Beyond Amazing Old Head Kratom 2019 Apr 06
Overview of Products and Their Potency platypus Kratom 2018 Jul 05
Probably Should Have Avoided It jon Kratom 2018 May 03
Weekend Use Elbirc Kratom & Cannabis 2018 Apr 23
Subtle Variations a Conoisseur's Guide complexamino Kratom 2018 Apr 17
The Cannabis of Opiates TrippieHippie Kratom 2018 Apr 12
My Saga of Addiction Captainbutternet Kratom 2018 Mar 26
Would Definitely Do Again Kimica Z Kratom (extract) 2018 Mar 22
Clear-headed Bliss with Subsequent Nostalgia Michael B Kratom 2018 Jan 22
Smooth Legal Blended Euphoria Ska-Divaricate Kratom, Phenibut & Adrafinil 2017 Nov 12
The Hand of God Marbleyes Kratom & Spice 2016 Dec 29
Long Term Use, in General Very Pleasurable spaceboy Kratom 2016 Oct 26
Gave Me Back My Mobility Mr Clam Kratom 2016 Oct 20
Intense Abdominal Pain for Weeks 1933 Kratom 2015 Nov 19
Notes As A Work Aid Mr. Yukk Kratom 2013 Jul 17
Far Exceeded my Expectations FormerlyNormally Kava & Kratom 2012 Mar 10
My Last Year XI Kratom 2011 Nov 06
How to Beat Opiate Withdrawal BreakThePain Kratom 2011 Jan 09
2 Years With the Wonder Drug Bosshallucy Kratom 2010 Feb 09
An Amazing Analgesic NaturalHealing Kratom 2010 Jan 28
How to Enjoy Moe Dog Kratom 2009 Jan 01
My New Love AnonymousK Kratom 2008 Jun 10
Moderation and Manual Labor Maturin Kratom 2008 Jun 02
Retrospective of Useful Semi-Habituation Seaborg Kratom (15x extract) 2007 Aug 14
The Nightmare of Detox BB Kratom Leaves 2007 Mar 12
Botanical Magic Bryan Kratom 2007 Mar 09
Exactly How it Feels Osiris Kratom & Cannabis 2006 Jul 21
One of My Favorites Xorkoth Kratom & Cannabis 2005 Mar 18
A New Favorite sepulfreak Kratom 2005 Feb 16
Notes on Dosage Ryan Kratom 2005 Feb 14
Filter the Grit Nautapsyco Kratom 2022 Feb 08
At the Source Fleming Kratom (fresh) 2022 Jan 14
Helpful Healing Ally WeAreGod Kratom 2021 Nov 04
Full-Body Convulsions and Cognitive Impairment gornahoor Kratom 2021 Oct 12
Mediocre Considering Price Anonymous Kratom 2021 Sep 06
Dabbling in Legal Highs J Kratom 2021 May 24
The Effects It Had on My ADD ADD dude Kratom 2020 Oct 26
Allows Me to Work Professor A Kratom 2020 Sep 22
Explosion Sounds in Head, Otherwise Nice theAngryLittleBunny Kratom 2020 Jul 23
Interaction Nausea Omnis Kratom & Cigarette 2020 Jul 18
I Have Experimented a Lot KratomGuy Kratom 2020 Jun 06
Drinking, Eating, and Smoking just some guy Kratom 2020 Apr 30
Using It as a Replacement for My Beloved Opiates Constricted Pupil Kratom 2020 Apr 27
4 Months After Initial Use LoveTheWinter Kratom (Maeng Da Red) 2019 Dec 26
The Only Thing That Alleviates My Chronic Pain peruvianlilly Kratom 2019 Nov 25
Withdrawals and Insomnia vapman Kratom, Tramadol, Coffee & Cannabis 2019 May 18
Why Did I So Unexpectedly Like the Pills? Kratom Dave Kratom (25x extract) 2018 Dec 07
No Problem Here Walker Kratom 2018 Oct 25
Vaporizing Makes Me Lethargic, Droopy-Eyed, and Pleasant The Grim Reefer Kratom 2018 Aug 21
The Finest Herb I Have Used Ever! entheoman Kratom 2018 Aug 08
Warm Content and Happy HakeJo Kratom 2018 Jun 14
Pleasant Enhanced Energy Pizzt Kratom (Bali) 2018 May 08
Truly a Miracle Plant E505 Kratom (as opioid substitute) 2018 Apr 23
Relaxation, Euphoria and Addiction November Kratom & Tobacco 2018 Apr 21
Four Strains Kratom Tester 2015 Kratom & Coffee 2018 Apr 18
Overcoming Terrible Opiate Withdrawal deephouse412 Kratom (after Heroin) 2018 Apr 18
Can Be Great With Correct Dosage Strain KR Kratom 2018 Apr 17
More Potent Than You Think ThePoobaman Kratom 2018 Apr 17
It Does Work PersonalFreedom Kratom 2018 Mar 26
Tea Time in a Chute C. K. Kratom 2018 Mar 24
And Withdrawal Symptoms Get Worse Claire Kratom (Bali) 2018 Mar 24
Nice, But Possible Long-Term Side Effects Contrabandit Kratom 2018 Mar 21
A Very Unpleasent Experience Kaybee Kratom 2018 Feb 26
For well-being and productivity. cautiousfun Kratom 2018 Feb 26
I'm Not as Afraid of Depression as I Used to Be Weiss Kratom 2018 Feb 25
Most Days I Forget I Even Have Fibromyalgia M.M.W. Kratom 2017 Dec 30
To Try as a Substitute for Opiates Bill C. Kratom 2017 Nov 13
As Opiate Addiction Intervention Dr.Kratom Kratom 2017 Oct 10
Decided to Look for a Legal Herb That Could Help The Herbal King Kratom 2017 Apr 10
It Makes Me Love Life ConstantEnergy Kratom 2017 Jan 04
Safe Opioid Alternative Calvin Kratom 2016 Sep 23
The Mud Of Life Gooch Kratom 2016 Aug 22
Less Is More Mitragyna-Marshall Kratom (Maeng Da & Indo White Vein) 2016 Feb 11
Warm, Enjoyable and Sensual Sabje Kratom 2011 Jan 09
Who Needs Ibogaine, When There's Kratom? Blinkenlichten Kratom for Oxycodone Withdrawal 2010 Feb 09
Buzz in Afghanistan Nortyy Kratom (20x extract) 2010 Jan 23
Cotton Music and a Swollen Face P Kratom 2009 Jun 18
A Fickle but Beautiful Mistress AlpacaPacker Kratom 2009 Mar 02
Medicinal Benefits for Me Tiamat Kratom 2007 Mar 17

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NOTE: There are 9 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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