Tryptamines - Substituted (also TIHKAL Chems) Reports - Glowing Experiences
Glowing Experiences
(1004 Total)

[1 - 100 of 1004]
Very Highly Recommended Anything Goes – Dealer’s Choice, and I’m the Dealer Anatoli Smorin 2-Fluoromethamphetamine, Amphetamines, Coffee, Kratom, Methylphenidate, 3-Fluoroamphetamine & LSD 2021 Aug 05
Very Highly Recommended Alpenglow Asphyxiation Kai The Orb Woman DMT & Changa 2018 Sep 24
Very Highly Recommended Intense Learning Experience HippieGirl LSD 2016 Apr 08
Very Highly Recommended Simplexity - Unfolding the Fold Anatoli Smorin 4-AcO-DMT & Cannabis 2013 Aug 19
Very Highly Recommended The Process and the Infinite Oneness Hedgeclipper DPT 2011 Sep 21
Very Highly Recommended We Dissolved as One into the Spiral entheogenist 5-MeO-DiPT 2007 Jan 15
Very Highly Recommended Ego Trip nowhereman 4-AcO-DMT & Syrian Rue 2007 Jan 03
Very Highly Recommended Not Unlike a Velvety, Saucey, French Dish Acrimonius Funk DiPT & Salvia divinorum (20x extract) 2006 Oct 19
Very Highly Recommended Prime, Probe, Process Lola B 5-MeO-DMT 2006 Oct 13
Very Highly Recommended The Power and The Glory Netrunner Pharmahuasca (Harmaline & 5-MeO-DMT) & DMT 2004 Jul 07
Highly Recommended Overcoming Fear Lirid DXM, ALD-52 & AL-LAD 2023 Dec 27
Highly Recommended What is Saturday? timeo 4-AcO-DMT 2022 Sep 02
Highly Recommended It Just Makes Me Want to Venture Deeper Lee T LSD 2021 Mar 23
Highly Recommended My Minidose Manifesto Uncle Iroh LSD 2018 Oct 26
Highly Recommended The Ancient Alien Mayan Algebra on My Ceiling Phosophine 4-AcO-DMT 2017 Sep 01
Highly Recommended They Should Have Sent a Poet Kalosidos LSD & MDMA 2017 Jul 01
Highly Recommended Remember to Have Respect for Bliss Student of Life LSD, Ephenidine, Phenibut & Cannabis 2016 Dec 21
Highly Recommended If There Is a God, He Loves Fractals CrazyEngineer Mescaline, LSD, DMT, XLR-11 2014 Sep 10
Highly Recommended Hierarchies of Hyperspace A Collection Psychedaniellia DMT (with 4-HO-MiPT, 4-AcO-DiPT, LSD, DPT, Ketamine, Methoxetamine, 5-MeO-DMT, Nitrous Oxide, & MDMA) 2014 May 16
Highly Recommended Gifts Made Out of the Space Between Psychedaniellia Mushrooms, B. caapi, & DMT 2014 May 07
Highly Recommended Somatic Vision and Cosmic Consciousness Lokapalas LSD 2013 Nov 28
Highly Recommended Museum of Spectacles Donovan DMT, Mushrooms & Alcohol 2013 Jun 08
Highly Recommended It Can Be Whatever I Want It to Be triptacular LSD 2012 Dec 04
Highly Recommended One Beautiful Hit WaterBongs DMT 2012 Apr 11
Highly Recommended Searching for Samadhi in West Philadelphia B-E-H, inc. LSD, MDMA (Ecstasy), & Alcohol 2012 Jan 07
Highly Recommended Level by Level FritzTheCat 25C-NBOMe & DMT (?) 2011 Oct 07
Highly Recommended Jedi Mind Tricks Ben Kenobi LSD, Mushrooms, Cannabis & MDMA (Ecstasy) 2011 May 18
Highly Recommended There is No Why Cosmic Muser LSD & Cannabis 2011 Mar 11
Highly Recommended Once I Had Made Up My Mind Mr. Mackey 5-MeO-DMT 2011 Feb 21
Highly Recommended Formula for Therapeutic Heal memoria LSD & Yoga 2011 Feb 17
Highly Recommended The Realization of Love Jackdarko DMT 2010 Sep 22
Highly Recommended Beyond the Void Vipassana Meditator DMT 2010 Aug 12
Highly Recommended Life-Changing Problems TheMerryPrankster Nitrous Oxide & LSD 2009 Aug 05
Highly Recommended The Subtle Steamroller Konnexion 5-MeO-DMT 2009 Jun 16
Highly Recommended The Weekend At The Edge Of The Universe Sparticus Mushrooms - P. cubensis, LSD, 2C-B, MDMA (Ecstasy), DMT, Ketamine, Mescaline & Cannabis 2008 Jun 21
Highly Recommended Ego-Death and Profound Insights BigChief LSD 2008 Apr 17
Highly Recommended Feels Like Rolling for Twelve Hours Hypersphere MDMA, Cacti - T. bridgesii & DMT 2007 Dec 01
Highly Recommended Laughter, Tears, Rebirth LucidStudies 4-AcO-DMT 2007 Nov 12
Highly Recommended Set and Setting Mean Everything Endless Sky LSD & Cannabis 2007 Jun 05
Highly Recommended Breathing Easier After Snipsonisha DPT 2007 May 02
Highly Recommended Zeesersow Kuato LSD & Cannabis 2007 Apr 07
Highly Recommended Unidentified Flying Subject PippUK 4-AcO-DMT 2006 Dec 01
Highly Recommended Take the Third Toke! Bong Man DMT 2006 May 31
Highly Recommended A Whole Different Book Anonymous LSD 2006 Apr 21
Highly Recommended Our Crazy Night – a Bonding Experience Sweetpea & Hunnypie LSD, MDMA & Ketamine 2006 Apr 06
Highly Recommended I Got It Figured Out bluedolphin DMT & Cannabis 2005 Oct 20
Highly Recommended Mother Spirit Awaits universal shaman DMT 2004 Sep 28
Highly Recommended 'Everything in Its Right Place' Jamshyd 4-Ho-DiPT 2004 Mar 16
Highly Recommended Acid Answers Questions About Reality Graham LSD & Ketamine 2003 Dec 05
Highly Recommended Beyond the Beyond GordianKnotter 4-Acetoxy-DiPT 2003 Oct 12
Highly Recommended Enlightenment Through a Chemical Catalyst Fragbait 5-MeO-DMT 2003 Sep 28
Highly Recommended Interpretations of Your Mind The Reverend Mushrooms & DMT 2003 Apr 29
Highly Recommended Infinity of the Now Synchrojet DMT 2002 Jul 25
Highly Recommended LSD and DMT and SEX! Oh My... d. m. thraam LSD & 5-MeO-DMT 2001 Sep 17
Highly Recommended 10 Year Anniversary Murple LSD, DPT & GHB 2001 Aug 30
Highly Recommended Otherworldly Bewilderness SFos DMT 2000 Jun 15
Recommended Nothing to Hide Cubbage LSD, Cannabis & Ketamine 2023 Dec 10
Recommended Quite Cool aksnowman LSD, Kava & Cannabis 2023 Oct 12
Recommended I’m Going to Jail Indigo child LSD & Cannabis 2023 Oct 01
Recommended Herald of the Long Unknown in The Scoured World nervewing 1D-LSD & Cannabis 2023 Feb 12
Recommended Transcending Into Nothing and Everything Psychestim LSD & MDMA 2022 Oct 08
Recommended Goddess of My Dextroverse _#10052,_#65039,_#65039, collective Bupropion, DXM, Cannabis & LSD 2022 Aug 28
Recommended Divine Intervention Rough Guppies 4-HO-MiPT 2021 Oct 12
Recommended Getting Older nervewing 1cP-AL-LAD & Cannabis 2021 Sep 30
Recommended The Cosmic Joke: Reality as It Is Seeker 5-MeO-DMT 2020 Nov 23
Recommended Slip Inside This House As They Have Done NA Brown DMT & Cannabis 2020 Nov 09
Recommended Ek-stasis Wanderer LSD 2020 Nov 07
Recommended Embracing the Milky Ways Spiral Arms Makuna DMT 2020 Oct 14
Recommended Plugging the Magic Ice Cube Armathan 4-AcO-DMT 2020 Sep 16
Recommended The First One Is Always Free SF88E DMT 2020 Jul 24
Recommended The Thunder Within cloned2bewild LSD 2020 Jul 12
Recommended Just a Taste sentient being DMT 2020 Jun 04
Recommended Hacking the System to be Born Again Time Traveler LSD & Cannabis 2020 May 02
Recommended Deeply Personal, Emotional, Positive, Profound JCX LSD 2020 Apr 24
Recommended An Early Start on the Rest of My Life Psyghtseer LSD 2019 Nov 24
Recommended Ultimate Pleasure of Lucy, Mandy & the Lion LionOfTheJungle LSD & MDMA 2019 Oct 01
Recommended Trifecta Phantasy B 4-AcO-DMT, MDMA & 2C-B 2019 Jun 18
Recommended The Music of Creation Albert Chemist 4-AcO-DMT 2019 May 07
Recommended Fusion Diode DiPT & DMT 2019 Mar 29
Recommended Hyperdimensional: Best Event in My Life Ijdfoiodi DMT 2019 Jan 12
Recommended Hurled Into the Deep End CognitiveScientist LSD & Escitalopram 2018 Oct 18
Recommended Marvellous Huxley LSD 2018 Sep 16
Recommended Everything Felt Integrated Mujo Lila 2C-B & LSD 2018 Aug 31
Recommended The Impartial Messenger TheAppleCore 4-AcO-DET 2018 May 08
Recommended From Confusion to Peace Riggs LSD 2018 Apr 19
Recommended Jedi Flip: The Next Level Nxt Lvl LSD, MDMA & Mushrooms 2018 Apr 07
Recommended One With the Universe I Was Welcomed Will Wonka DMT 2018 Mar 08
Recommended An Unexpectedly Blissful Trip Lucy LSD 2018 Mar 06
Recommended I Was Everything And Everything Was I D 4-AcO-DMT 2018 Jan 14
Recommended Spinning into Our Own Control sockrates DMT & Phenethylamines 2017 Dec 30
Recommended Inhabited By An Entity Turiya DMT 2017 Dec 08
Recommended Be Prepared to Be Utterly Unprepared... DJ-DDP DMT 2017 Oct 10
Recommended Immaculate Energy nervewing LSD & Cannabis 2017 Aug 22
Recommended Skating Through the Fractal Trees anonymous LSD, 4-AcO-DMT, MDMA & Nitrous Oxide 2017 Jul 09
Recommended Spiral In, Out & Back Again HurghtAttack LSD & Cannabis 2017 Jul 08
Recommended The Drop Rejoining the Ocean InnerExplorer 5-MeO-DMT 2017 Jan 02
Recommended Journeys with the Sacred Spice: A Collection Cailieg DMT 2016 Dec 11
Recommended Unfathomably Beautiful Just Some Guy DMT 2016 Oct 29
Recommended Colors of an LSD Sunrise TheAmazingAnnika LSD 2016 Jun 04
Recommended A Very Psychedelic Vacation Goddess Mode LSD, Nitrous Oxide, 4-HO-DiPT & Cannabis 2016 Feb 28

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NOTE: There are 23 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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