NMDA Antagonists Reports - Combinations
(376 Total)

[1 - 100 of 376]
Very Highly Recommended Embracing Shallow Thoughts Anatoli Smorin Floatation Tank & Esketamine 2019 Jan 20
Very Highly Recommended Accidental High Dosage: 3-ME-Uh Oh-PCP Anatoli Smorin Ketamine & 3-MeO-PCP 2018 Oct 29
Very Highly Recommended The Maelstrom Man from Chan-Chan Ketamine, 25I-NBOMe & 25C-NBOMe 2013 Apr 22
Highly Recommended The Department of Existential Destruction Anatoli Smorin Methoxetamine, MDMA & S-Ketamine 2020 Feb 25
Highly Recommended A Decade Plus Love Affair Vastness Ketamine 2019 Sep 12
Highly Recommended Separating From My Flesh Carriage Anatoli Smorin Ketamine & DMT 2019 Aug 02
Highly Recommended Decimation of Mental Clutter Anatoli Smorin Floatation Tank & Esketamine 2019 Jan 20
Highly Recommended A Night Conversing with Elves Nov3 4-AcO-DMT & Ketamine 2016 Feb 16
Highly Recommended The Event-Informational Singularity Adaviri DPT & Ketamine 2013 May 21
Highly Recommended Best Dance Party Ever Leads to Being Reborn Alice LSD, Ketamine & Cannabis 2012 Oct 19
Highly Recommended Quite Visual with a Significant Moodlift Azgaza 2C-B, Ketamine & Hash 2011 Feb 05
Highly Recommended Reflections in the Obsidian Fountain Nowhereman 4-AcO-DMT, Ketamine & Psilocin 2008 Jul 08
Highly Recommended The Weekend At The Edge Of The Universe Sparticus Mushrooms - P. cubensis, LSD, 2C-B, MDMA (Ecstasy), DMT, Ketamine, Mescaline & Cannabis 2008 Jun 21
Highly Recommended I Am Not Hardcore: Or Important Safety Tip maison Alcohol, Ketamine & 1,4-butanediol 2007 May 24
Highly Recommended Late Night in the Mini Noodle xEdize MDMA (Ecstasy), Ketamine & Cannabis 2007 Feb 10
Highly Recommended Oh My God, We've Really Fucked Up Anon of Ibid AMT, MDMA, Ketamine & 2C-T-7 2000 Sep 14
Highly Recommended A Remarkable Night Scotto DET, MDMA, Ketamine & 5-MeO-DMT 2000 Jun 14
Recommended Nothing to Hide Cubbage LSD, Cannabis & Ketamine 2023 Dec 10
Recommended Fast, Euphoric, Whirlwind Lone 25B-NBOH & Ketamine 2022 Jun 14
Recommended Never at a Loss for Words bindingaffinity MXE & Deschloroketamine 2022 Apr 27
Recommended Through the Fog with the Dog Uncle Iroh 2-Fluorodeschloroketamine, Ketamine & Wine 2020 Feb 24
Recommended Planet Peelander yardbird MDMA & Ketamine 2019 Sep 30
Recommended Different Facets of Sensory Deprivation Anatoli Smorin Floatation Tanks & Various 2019 Jan 20
Recommended The Crushing Power of the Ocean Memento Mori 4-HO-MiPT & Ketamine 2019 Jan 09
Recommended Conceptual Apocalypse Regis_L Ketamine 2018 Dec 27
Recommended Cogs vs Wheels Jane Doe Ketamine & 2C-B 2018 Oct 30
Recommended The Buddhist Matrix georgetorwell Ketamine & Opium 2018 Feb 09
Recommended Beautiful Introduction to a Multi Purpose Tool Xorkoth MPT, Deschloroketamine & 3-MeO-PCP 2017 Dec 09
Recommended Nothing but Strips of Color Sputnik Ketamine & Alcohol 2017 Nov 04
Recommended The Benefit Has Been Profound ZooLoo Ketamine & Nitrous Oxide 2017 Feb 25
Recommended A New Heaven Modern Jesus Ketamine, 1P-LSD & Cannabis 2016 Sep 30
Recommended Surreal Reality xelanid LSD, Ketamine & Cannabis 2012 Dec 20
Recommended Amazing: Not A Good Enough Word Samuel Ketamine, LSD & MDMA 2012 Nov 21
Recommended A Wonderful Cocktail Jan2610 2C-I & Ketamine 2011 Aug 30
Recommended The Rimpling of Reality Azgaza LSD, Nitrous Oxide, Ketamine & Cannabis 2010 Dec 09
Recommended Falling Off the World Wsas3 Ketamine, Morphine & Oxycodone 2009 Sep 30
Recommended A Day of Introspection Particle16 2C-P & Ketamine 2009 May 07
Recommended Soulmate Symbol Particle16 Ketamine, MDMA (Ecstasy), Mushrooms, Ephedra & Nitrous Oxide 2007 May 21
Recommended Holes and Goals BongFish Ketamine & 2C-B 2006 Dec 27
Recommended 5 Pills? Why Not? Powdered Toast Man MDMA, Ketamine & Cocaine 2006 Aug 20
Recommended The Other White Pill neongenesis Ketamine & MDMA (Ecstasy) 2006 Jul 05
Recommended Deep into the Rabbit Hole Ellipsis Ketamine, GHB & MDMA (Ecstasy) 2006 May 27
Recommended K Waves Dubya Jr. Ketamine & Cannabis 2004 Sep 08
Recommended Truly Near Death Erica.Smerica DPT, Ketamine, & Nitrous Oxide 2002 Jul 24
Recommended Lessons from the Universe Erica.Smerica 4-Acetoxy-DET & Ketamine 2002 Jul 23
Recommended Unimaginably Intense fairnymph 2C-T-7 (IV), Ketamine, 1 Soma 2002 Jun 04
Recommended Triple Crown wasn't me 5-MeO-DiPT, Ketamine & MDMA 2001 Mar 16
Recommended Peeking Behind the Curtain Trey 2C-B & Ketamine 2000 Jun 20
Recommended Mary Kay...My Oh My Toad Ketamine & DMT 2000 Jun 19
New A Journey Back to Where I Belong StoriesThroughTime LSD, Ketamine & MDMA 2024 Oct 16
New Journey to the Biggest Fear Oxy LSD, MDMA & Ketamine 2024 Oct 12
New Too Close to the Edge Lago Fentanyl, Ketamine, High-CBD Cannabis, & Naloxone 2024 Sep 27
Enjoyable Alone, Horrific Together G. Bucky Allylescaline & S-Ketamine 2024 Jan 22
Vaporwave, the Multiverse, at War With Myself BustedBanana LSD, Ketamine & Cannabis 2023 Jan 14
A More Antidepressant 5-MAPB Alternative At0micFury 5-Chloro-AMT, 5-MAPB & DCK 2022 Nov 13
Boofing Heaven UristTheDopeSmith DPT & Ketamine 2022 Sep 29
The Real Unknown AAyron Ketamine & LSD 2022 Sep 29
Techno Mystical Experience JustSomeName MDMA, 2C-B & Ketamine 2022 Aug 05
Finally Understanding Why: Self Therapy Etazhi Ketamine & MDMA 2022 Mar 31
Sitting Under Water BitBitt Deschloroketamine & 5-MeO-DMT 2021 Apr 11
Gently Dissolving the Ego Into Pure Being Promontory Rider Ketamine & Meditation 2021 Jan 04
Surpassing All Expectations: Cartoon Carnival TornIntoEnthrallment S-Ketamine, 4-HO-MET, Cannabis & Blue Lotus 2020 May 30
Nightmare Combo in the Matrix nightmare Ketamine & GBL 2020 May 27
The Universe/God Realizes It Is Dreaming Pablo 1P-LSD, Ketamine & Nitrous Oxide 2020 Mar 11
Puppeteering My Own Body Henno Ketamine & Wine 2020 Mar 08
Swiss Army Knife of Dissociative Anesthetics Naught a Psycho Deschloroketamine 2019 Nov 23
Synergy Cocktail to Manage Pain RxDrugLord Hydrocodone, Metaxalone, Tramadol, Alprazolam & Ketamine 2018 Jul 13
Unity with the One Collective Consciousness Heptagon LSD, Ketamine & Sleep Deprivation 2018 May 24
Kandyflip: The Malleable Mind Ouroboros MDMA, Ketamine & LSD 2018 May 10
An Inward Dive BhMc MDMA, Ketamine & Cannabis 2018 May 07
The Entire Multiverse Is Imploding! lazyvegan Ketamine & 2C-I 2018 Mar 16
Choosing to Stay in My Body InnerExplorer Ketamine & 5-MeO-DMT 2017 Sep 29
This Other Reality Is Completely Different D & D Ketamine & Beer 2017 Sep 18
Almost Dissapeared Completely fundamental_agnostic Ketamine, Lorazepam & Cannabis 2017 Jul 18
High-Tech Feeling Indigo Deschloroketamine & 4-HO-MET 2017 Jun 10
Underwater Meditation bungalo Deschloroketamine & Cannabis 2017 Jun 06
Dose Properly ketameme S-Ketamine, MDMA, 2C-B & Alprazolam 2017 May 01
Wonderfully Smooth Sylvanas Deschloroketamine 2017 Apr 16
A Million Vistas of Predestination nervewing 3-MeO-PCP, 4-AcO-DET, DALT & Ketamine 2017 Jan 13
Nightmare K-Hole NoMoreK-Holes Cannabis & Ketamine 2016 Nov 30
TKO A Deadly Combination Dilligence Ketamine & Alprazolam 2016 Feb 18
Positive And Negative Sedation ProphecyPaul Heroin & Ketamine 2015 Dec 09
Fireflies and the Full-Moon Sky FerretFace MDMA, Mushrooms & Ketamine 2013 Dec 20
Musical Liberation thetrippers 25I-NBOMe, Ketamine, Tramadol & Alcohol 2013 Sep 14
Time Is Doing Weird Things Silver Warrior Ketamine & Nitrous Oxide 2013 May 09
A Higher Than Recomended Dose Gecko 25I-NBOMe, Ketamine & Cannabis 2012 Dec 09
Like Being Hit By a Train Jordon (UK) Ketamine & Beer 2011 Jun 17
The World Is In An Envelope Golden Teacher Mushrooms & Ketamine 2010 Nov 13
A Very Calm and Balanced Experience Azgaza LSD & Ketamine 2010 Nov 01
A Collection & Summary of Experiences Mu! Methylone 2010 Oct 07
The 'All-Knowing' JayBee Ketamine & Salvia divinorum (20x extract) 2010 Jun 27
A Night of Fear, Sex, Energy and Love Veniece 2C-E & Ketamine 2010 Feb 15
Skeleton in Space Thomas Alcohol, Ketamine & Cannabis 2010 Feb 14
Too Many Sounds Mcgrady LSD, Ketamine & Cannabis 2009 Nov 26
Unexpected and Exhausting Beelissa LSD & Ketamine 2009 Nov 26
Gratuitous Grace Hector the Crow LSD & Ketamine 2009 Nov 26
K-Rocked In Slumberland RocKed Ketamine, LSD, Mushrooms & Alcohol 2009 Nov 25
Baby Steps Through an Infinite Barrier Busrider LSD, Ketamine & Cannabis 2009 Sep 05
Love and Looping in the Mazes of Mind Ikkyu 4-AcO-DMT, Ketamine, Nitrous Oxide, Alprazolam (Xanax) & Cannabis 2009 Sep 05
Journeys from the Playroom Remain Anonymous Ketamine & MDMA 2009 Aug 26

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NOTE: There are 22 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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