NMDA Antagonists Reports - Glowing Experiences
Glowing Experiences
(114 Total)

[1 - 100 of 114]
Highly Recommended Decimation of Mental Clutter Anatoli Smorin Floatation Tank & Esketamine 2019 Jan 20
Highly Recommended Quite Visual with a Significant Moodlift Azgaza 2C-B, Ketamine & Hash 2011 Feb 05
Highly Recommended The Weekend At The Edge Of The Universe Sparticus Mushrooms - P. cubensis, LSD, 2C-B, MDMA (Ecstasy), DMT, Ketamine, Mescaline & Cannabis 2008 Jun 21
Highly Recommended Strings 'N' Things Psilo707 Ketamine 2007 Jan 21
Highly Recommended Our Crazy Night – a Bonding Experience Sweetpea & Hunnypie LSD, MDMA & Ketamine 2006 Apr 06
Highly Recommended Acid Answers Questions About Reality Graham LSD & Ketamine 2003 Dec 05
Recommended Nothing to Hide Cubbage LSD, Cannabis & Ketamine 2023 Dec 10
Recommended Fast, Euphoric, Whirlwind Lone 25B-NBOH & Ketamine 2022 Jun 14
Recommended Feeling the Cool Liquid Spread saucepapi Ketamine, Lorazepam & Ondansetron 2022 Feb 28
Recommended Planet Peelander yardbird MDMA & Ketamine 2019 Sep 30
Recommended Slant Brown Mouthspiral Deschloroketamine 2019 Sep 28
Recommended Cogs vs Wheels Jane Doe Ketamine & 2C-B 2018 Oct 30
Recommended Exploring Space Heights and Ocean Depths DiscoGoat Ketamine 2018 Jul 27
Recommended Lovely KetaComa in the Park Dim Icon Ketamine 2018 Mar 31
Recommended Beautiful Introduction to a Multi Purpose Tool Xorkoth MPT, Deschloroketamine & 3-MeO-PCP 2017 Dec 09
Recommended Wow Everything Ever The Schwa Ketamine 2016 Nov 02
Recommended Surreal Reality xelanid LSD, Ketamine & Cannabis 2012 Dec 20
Recommended Amazing: Not A Good Enough Word Samuel Ketamine, LSD & MDMA 2012 Nov 21
Recommended My Future and the K-Hole Dark Hero Akutare Ketamine 2012 Oct 23
Recommended A Wonderful Cocktail Jan2610 2C-I & Ketamine 2011 Aug 30
Recommended Absolute Peace H.Love Ketamine 2011 Jul 20
Recommended Seeing Where I Was Through a K-hole Z Ketamine 2010 Nov 01
Recommended Journey into the Infinite Jesusgreen Ketamine 2010 Feb 14
Recommended A Day of Introspection Particle16 2C-P & Ketamine 2009 May 07
Recommended Just Let Go Completely SkiBum Ketamine & Cannabis 2007 May 07
Recommended Catalina Getaway Cs Mushrooms, Alcohol (Wine), Cannabis & Ketamine 2007 Jan 09
Recommended Ketamine Himilayas Alexandr Jones Ketamine & Cannabis 2006 Aug 27
Recommended Deep into the Rabbit Hole Ellipsis Ketamine, GHB & MDMA (Ecstasy) 2006 May 27
Recommended Lessons from the Universe Erica.Smerica 4-Acetoxy-DET & Ketamine 2002 Jul 23
Recommended Face to Face With My Soul Alanster Monster Ketamine 2002 Jul 14
Recommended Unimaginably Intense fairnymph 2C-T-7 (IV), Ketamine, 1 Soma 2002 Jun 04
Recommended Triple Crown wasn't me 5-MeO-DiPT, Ketamine & MDMA 2001 Mar 16
New Journey to the Biggest Fear Oxy LSD, MDMA & Ketamine 2024 Oct 12
Techno Mystical Experience JustSomeName MDMA, 2C-B & Ketamine 2022 Aug 05
Gently Dissolving the Ego Into Pure Being Promontory Rider Ketamine & Meditation 2021 Jan 04
Surpassing All Expectations: Cartoon Carnival TornIntoEnthrallment S-Ketamine, 4-HO-MET, Cannabis & Blue Lotus 2020 May 30
Unity with the One Collective Consciousness Heptagon LSD, Ketamine & Sleep Deprivation 2018 May 24
Wandering Through the Winter Night Pomaranca S-Ketamine 2018 Apr 14
Medically Supervised IV Account Starsky Ketamine 2018 Mar 22
A Glimpse Into the Architecture of My Mind Mushroom Forest Ketamine & Nitrous Oxide 2017 Sep 03
I Saw the Future and Died Cam Ketamine 2017 Sep 03
One Heck of a Brain Freeze Goodbye horses Ketamine 2017 Jul 18
Fireflies and the Full-Moon Sky FerretFace MDMA, Mushrooms & Ketamine 2013 Dec 20
Musical Liberation thetrippers 25I-NBOMe, Ketamine, Tramadol & Alcohol 2013 Sep 14
A Very Calm and Balanced Experience Azgaza LSD & Ketamine 2010 Nov 01
With Music It is a Fantastic Adventure Ellie Ketamine 2010 Oct 27
A Collection & Summary of Experiences Mu! Methylone 2010 Oct 07
Cosmic Orgasm M.G. Ketamine 2009 Oct 05
Love and Looping in the Mazes of Mind Ikkyu 4-AcO-DMT, Ketamine, Nitrous Oxide, Alprazolam (Xanax) & Cannabis 2009 Sep 05
Journeys from the Playroom Remain Anonymous Ketamine & MDMA 2009 Aug 26
Soaking the Fibres of Existence Guttix Ketamine & Cannabis 2009 Aug 26
Sewn Into the Fabric of the Universe D&D Ketamine, Alcohol, Cannabis & Cocaine 2008 Sep 29
Laughter -> Definately the Best Medicine Earth Worm Jim MDMA (Ecstasy), Ketamine, Cannabis & Nitrous Oxide 2007 Dec 16
Ketamine Isn't Coke, Duh Valerie Ketamine 2007 Nov 16
My Time in a Drawing Kitco Ketamine & MDMA (Ecstasy) 2007 Jun 21
Interesting and Euphoric First Trial Psycosynthesis 4-AcO-DMT, Nitrous Oxide, Ketamine & Alcohol - Beer 2007 Jun 15
We All Became One Cornczech MDMA (Ecstasy) & Ketamine 2007 Jun 14
Rolling With A Man In A Dress itsgot2bme MDMA (Ecstasy), Amphetamines, Ketamine & Cannabis 2007 Apr 18
The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Physical, the Aural and the Visual Joel 2C-B, Ketamine & Cannabis 2007 Apr 12
Ketashrooms : Synergistic Bliss plexus Mushrooms & Ketamine 2006 Apr 06
A Healing Trip to Remember Xorkoth 2C-I, Alprazolam, Ketamine & Cannabis 2006 Mar 23
Had a Blast DaMole Ketamine 2005 Dec 12
Hare Krishna Stomp Wagon Corey C. Ketamine, Heroin & Cannabis 2004 Feb 05
Impression and Random Notes Morninggloryseed 2C-B, MDMA, & Ketamine 2003 Jun 17
The Flow of Time Flow Gnome Ketamine, Nitrous Oxide, & DPT 2002 Jul 21
In Exit as an Exit BuzZBuRn Ketamine 2002 Mar 19
My Finest Hour Anonymous 2C-T-7, Alprazolam (Xanax) & Ketamine 2002 Jan 11
Blissful Synergy DrStawBrain Deschloroketamine, Mianserin, Phenibut & 1,4-Butanediol 2023 Feb 02
Joyous, Energetic, Exciting, and Unexpected Hushhushman 4-HO-MET & Ketamine 2021 Dec 18
Obscure Pharmaco-speedball Peaceful Garden Lidocaine, Mephentermine & Ketamine 2021 May 21
Going Home Simarr Ketamine 2020 Sep 21
Maximizing Benefits Jahchilren Ketamine 2020 Sep 21
Mind Contained or Uncontained GodAsSpace Ketamine 2020 Jan 14
Peaking with an Officer Kurly LSD & Ketamine 2019 Dec 20
Seeing My Essence sweatypie LSD & S-Ketamine 2019 Apr 08
The Sea Adrien Ketamine 2018 Aug 20
Better Than All the DMT I've Had Combined Whipped Cream Ketamine 2018 Jul 26
Strongest Weirdest Experience of My Entire Life jdizz Ketamine 2018 Mar 01
Multiple Realities josh Ketamine 2018 Feb 27
The Melt JohnKizzle Ketamine 2018 Feb 21
First Day of the Rest of My Life TommyScars Ketamine 2018 Feb 16
Dissociation and Re-association wordsaremagic Deschloroketamine & Cannabis 2017 Jul 28
The Night I Ran Around Everywhere A Demon AMT, Mephedrone, Ketamine & MDMA 2014 Feb 03
K Reality spazmodog MDMA, Ketamine & Cannabis 2013 Dec 22
Completely Engulfed Into the Human Condition Quintillius LSD, Ketamine & 25I-NBOMe 2013 Apr 19
Really Good times Alex Methamphetamine & Ketamine 2010 May 18
Filling in the Gaps Inastate_ MDA, Ketamine & 2C-B 2007 Nov 06
Opening the Soul's Eyes Tathra Ketamine 2002 Jul 21
I Became The Center Of The Universe Taz Cannabis & Ketamine 2002 Jan 18
Heaven in a Hole spacebin Ketamine 2002 Jan 18
For a Good Time Call 1-800-2C-T-7 q-tip 2C-T-7, Ketamine & Cannabis 2002 Jan 05
The Times of my Life MaTrIX21 Ecstasy & Ketamine 2001 Dec 26
A night of experiences... Anonymous MDMA, Ketamine, LSD & Cannabis 2001 Jun 25
Finding God in a K-hole Stradlemonkey Ketamine 2000 Sep 10
Everything Everywhere All at Once Damion1567 Ketamine, Nitrous Oxide, Cannabis & Nicotine 2023 Feb 28
I Never Felt High Just Normal Greatfulguy Ketamine 2020 Sep 16
Vacation From Reality Ringo Ketamine 2019 May 14
Still Never Lets Me Down Az Ketamine 2019 May 14
Never Underestimate the Mind Fuckedup Ketamine & LSD 2018 Aug 20
Street Sweeper Tycho Ketamine 2018 Mar 18

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NOTE: There are 1 experiences matching this search in the Erowid Cellar.
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